categories in sharegroups
Can sharegroups be made to contain categories , not just galleries? Andy said in an old thread that sharegroups only contain galleries:
But with sharegroups only having galleries currently, organization gets messy very fast, and my invited guests viewing my private sharegroups don't see any structure and navigation is more confusing. They see lots of galleries, some related and others not.
By simply allowing categories in sharegroups, organization is simple and elegant. To me, it seems to be a glaring omission in the feature set currently. Other than that, sharegroups are great and fit my desire to share selected private galleries.
I know this isn't a traditional smugmug thing, but I would like to see a smugmug widget developed for the Facebook API. This could help people who look at my facebook profile to see my pictures without having to upload them to the facebook photos app.
I'll second this motion and weigh in a little too! Facebook gets over 40 billion page hits per day... That's a LOT of time an attention by it's 30 or so million registered users who have close connections with each other (friends, school mates, collegues etc)... Existing SmugMuggers would LOVE to replace the default Facebook photos application with a SmugMug one instead of uploading copies to Facebook... A SmugMug app will in turn will drive traffic and attention to SmugMug... SmugMug speaks for itself, you don't need to advertise it to your friends, once they see it they're immediately impressed, and will buy in if / when ready...
Someone skilled could start by writing a Facebook app for harnessing SmugMug RSS feeds... But I think SmugMug themselves would benefit greatly by investing some time and effort thinking about an in-house solution... Don't miss out on some relatively cheap advertising and customer satisfaction! Not to mention adding an element of true social networking to SmugMug - albeit by proxy!
I've been taking a look at Zenfolio and while it doesn't come close to Smugmug in terms of feature-set, it does seems a lot more elegant.
I would like to request for Smugmug to add some more very elegant theme choices. And, as much as the Smugmug logo is cute, I would like some more choices there for a better looking more pro like logo and favicon.
Lastly, with Zenfolio, resizing your browser window causes the currently displayed picture to also resize accordingly. This is a really nice feature that I would like to see in Smugmug too.
I agree!
I have posted about this before, but I just want to reiterate that I wholeheartedly agree with the below post. More elegant, more dynamic, thumbnails that glow or something upon rollover, LARGER THUMBNAILS on home/gallery pages! Smugmug is so 2000 looking. In fact, as I'm not a pro user, and I don't really need all of smugmug's features so I'm considering switching if the general lackluster/outdated look and feel of smugmug is not addressed soon. I'm told repeatedly that it is in the works, but I'm losing patience. I'll give it a few more months as I love smugmug for other reasons. I'm getting the feeling that smugmug is really not so interested in basic users, but is really meant for people who want to customize their own html.
I've been taking a look at Zenfolio and while it doesn't come close to Smugmug in terms of feature-set, it does seems a lot more elegant.
I would like to request for Smugmug to add some more very elegant theme choices. And, as much as the Smugmug logo is cute, I would like some more choices there for a better looking more pro like logo and favicon.
Lastly, with Zenfolio, resizing your browser window causes the currently displayed picture to also resize accordingly. This is a really nice feature that I would like to see in Smugmug too.
Another feature request I thought of would be to add an estimated time left of upload to the web based uploader and the Mac OSX and PC Smugmug uploader applications. This is another thing Zenfolio has (while they don't have a seperate app., their web based upload function displays the estimated time left).
I have posted about this before, but I just want to reiterate that I wholeheartedly agree with the below post. More elegant, more dynamic, thumbnails that glow or something upon rollover, LARGER THUMBNAILS on home/gallery pages! Smugmug is so 2000 looking. In fact, as I'm not a pro user, and I don't really need all of smugmug's features so I'm considering switching if the general lackluster/outdated look and feel of smugmug is not addressed soon. I'm told repeatedly that it is in the works, but I'm losing patience. I'll give it a few more months as I love smugmug for other reasons. I'm getting the feeling that smugmug is really not so interested in basic users, but is really meant for people who want to customize their own html.
it's taking us longer than we like, but it's on the radar. We have some really high-priority stuff to get through first, but we intend to have this taken care of soon, otherwise, we'd not have posted about it seeking feedback and input
We care deeply about all of our customers, and intend to be the leader in every regard, with a site that appeals to standard accounts as well as customizers, too. Thanks for sticking with us!
If you are a power user / pro, you could set up a gallery redirect, and put it in the sharegroup...
Thank you for the suggestion. I guess it means using customization. I'm just a standard user, and new one at that. Hope this feature request gets approved. That would be great for the standard users.
Prints with borders please or full-print
This is another feature request for prints that give you your entire print without anything trimmed off the edge.
When ordering some enlargements from Costco (I need them tomorrow so Smugmug wasn't an option), I noticed that Costco now offers an option to get your prints with a border. You can get a white border or a black border. The great thing about this is that there is now a way to get your entire print on photo paper without anything trimmed off the edge of your photo. Since the border is an exact and predictable dimension, I can now get a full size print in a predictable size that turns out to be perfect for framing. If I order an 8x10 print or and 11x14 print with border, it's exactly right for framing without me having to leave any significant extra space in the photo. Without this, one has to leave almost 1/2" extra all the way around the photo (once for the trimming in the print process and once for the inset of the frame from the standard size).
I'd really like to see Smugmug offer this through their current printer or through a new printer. As it is today, it's next to impossible to order a print for framing unless it has a lot of extra space around all edges.
If you take a typical 3:2 dSLR photo and try to put it in an 8x10 frame or an 11x14 frame, you will find that you just can't do it unless the photo had massive amounts of extra space around the edge - e.g. it wasn't shot tight. It's bad enough just getting 3:2 down to 8x10, but add in all the extra crop you need for trim and frame and it's darn near impossible.
As it is today, I'm not ordering anything I want to frame from Smugmug because this is such a pain to deal with and I usually don't want to lose lots of my photo.
Spammer Code
Could you make the comment "spam guard" optional? I only ever had one instance of spam on an image and I'd prefer not to bother viewers with having to enter it.
Also, is there a way to let viewers "vote" for their favorite images in a gallery without typing it in the comment box? I know there is a star rating system but it only works if you enter in a comment.
Is there a way to let viewers "vote" for their favorite images in a gallery without typing it in the comment box? I know there is a star rating system but it only works if you enter in a comment.
If you hover the mouse over an image, a "thumbs up" and a "thumbs down" icon appear. These allow casual viewers to vote for photos that they like. The best photos appear in your /popular gallery.
If you hover the mouse over an image, a "thumbs up" and a "thumbs down" icon appear. These allow casual viewers to vote for photos that they like. The best photos appear in your /popular gallery.
Yes, but they aren't sorted.
For example, say you have a gallery of images that you want to show a friend, client, whoever. You want them to select their 50 favorite images of the 200 in the gallery. What's the easiest way to do that? Right now, they'd have to leave a comment on all 50 because even if they rate (with the star system) they still have to add a comment or it won't take. No one wants to leave 50 comments.
Suggestion: Allow pro accounts owners the option of using the provided printing service or to take care of the order themselves. I'd seriously consider upgrading to Pro if I could have people place orders that were then emailed to me. I want control of the ordering, cropping, etc. I want to see and approve the prints before the customer sees them.
Perform a keyword search within one's smugmug site.
Display in all thumbs view.
Select from the search results in the above view to get a subset of the best ones.
Drag/Drop to arrange the sub-set of thumbs in an array of, 6 x 7 (42), or 5 x 8 (40), or 4 x 7 (28) or some other appropriate number of thumbnails to fit a poster "page".
Upload to shopping cart and buy a 24" x 36" poster from Smugmug with all the thumbs arranged as in the previous step.
Lots of possible variations to imagine, I'm sure):
with/without captions
collage them together in a more "random" fashion (fractionally rotated, partially merged or overlapped, etc.)
Large Font TITLE across the top of the poster ("John Q. Public...Guest of Honor")
Perform a keyword search within one's smugmug site.
Display in all thumbs view.
Select from the search results in the above view to get a subset of the best ones.
Drag/Drop to arrange the sub-set of thumbs in an array of, 6 x 7 (42), or 5 x 8 (40), or 4 x 7 (28) or some other appropriate number of thumbnails to fit a poster "page".
Upload to shopping cart and buy a 24" x 36" poster from Smugmug with all the thumbs arranged as in the previous step.
Lots of possible variations to imagine, I'm sure):
with/without captions
collage them together in a more "random" fashion (fractionally rotated, partially merged or overlapped, etc.)
Large Font TITLE across the top of the poster ("John Q. Public...Guest of Honor")
We've actually played with something along these lines - who knows, maybe you'll see it someday!
We've actually played with something along these lines - who knows, maybe you'll see it someday!
Thanks for the suggestion.
It's my sneaky way of getting in another plug for virtual galleries (not really...that wasn't the original intent, anyway...but I thought about it after posting the suggestion and realized it was indeed another plug for virtual galleries...along with a "practical" example of what could be done with them).
It's my sneaky way of getting in another plug for virtual galleries (not really...that wasn't the original intent, anyway...but I thought about it after posting the suggestion and realized it was indeed another plug for virtual galleries...along with a "practical" example of what could be done with them).
Cool, Papa. Now we want you to go photograph your family for a few months, ok? ...We're still figuring out which bank to heist to pay for the gear required for your last feature request (SmugIslands!)
Cool, Papa. Now we want you to go photograph your family for a few months, ok? ...We're still figuring out which bank to heist to pay for the gear required for your last feature request (SmugIslands!)
It appears I reached a major milestone (that of being a "high maintenence" customer) with my first year's subscription! Quite an achievement, don't you think? :ivar Maybe you ought to look for two banks! We can grow old together.
Email themes?
Hi, I'm wondering if there are any plans for email themes. I'd like to be able to choose a theme (or at least a color other than black) for my emails when I share photos. I find the black rather dark and uninviting. I would love to use something like the Fresh Air theme or at least a brighter color for the email's background.
Hi, I'm wondering if there are any plans for email themes. I'd like to be able to choose a theme (or at least a color other than black) for my emails when I share photos. I find the black rather dark and uninviting. I would love to use something like the Fresh Air theme or at least a brighter color for the email's background.
On the subject of emails...
Can the email address process be improved? I would love to see a way to import addresses in bulk. For example, importing a csv file from Outlook with name and email. The current process is quite slow. Also, distribution lists would be awesome!
Can the email address process be improved? I would love to see a way to import addresses in bulk. For example, importing a csv file from Outlook with name and email. The current process is quite slow. Also, distribution lists would be awesome!
We worry about folks spamming, honestly... so I'm not sure how much we'll do here. It is something that we talk about though!
We worry about folks spamming, honestly... so I'm not sure how much we'll do here. It is something that we talk about though!
Good point. Hadn't thought of that. Instead of distribution lists, how about a way to at least organize the addresses (ie friends, work, family) that would be collapsible?
A nice feature on the replace photo option would be to also display the orginal file name with the thumbnail. I am always having to double check just the image and or keep 2 windows open to also look at the filename.
Cross linking galleries
I'm not sure if this has been asked before (or maybe I'm using the wrong search criteria) but I would like to be able to cross link my galleries. For example, I just spent a weekend visiting family out of state. I'd love to be able to cross link the gallery under both Family and Vacation. Is that possible or may it be in the future?
With the 4th of July coming up, is there any way we could either get a "4th of July" theme? Or even a "patriotic" theme would be great.
Love lall the themes that are available now, but just seems like not everything is covered.
Can sharegroups be made to contain categories , not just galleries? Andy said in an old thread that sharegroups only contain galleries:
But with sharegroups only having galleries currently, organization gets messy very fast, and my invited guests viewing my private sharegroups don't see any structure and navigation is more confusing. They see lots of galleries, some related and others not.
By simply allowing categories in sharegroups, organization is simple and elegant. To me, it seems to be a glaring omission in the feature set currently. Other than that, sharegroups are great and fit my desire to share selected private galleries.
thanks, Clarence
and how about a St Georges day theme to for the English, a St Andrews day for the Scots, and a St Patricks Day for the Irish?
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Someone skilled could start by writing a Facebook app for harnessing SmugMug RSS feeds... But I think SmugMug themselves would benefit greatly by investing some time and effort thinking about an in-house solution... Don't miss out on some relatively cheap advertising and customer satisfaction! Not to mention adding an element of true social networking to SmugMug - albeit by proxy!
85mm f/1.8, 17-50 + 28-75m f/2.8 lenses
iMac 24" 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Extreme, 4Gb RAM, OSX 10.5.7 |
I would like to request for Smugmug to add some more very elegant theme choices. And, as much as the Smugmug logo is cute, I would like some more choices there for a better looking more pro like logo and favicon.
Lastly, with Zenfolio, resizing your browser window causes the currently displayed picture to also resize accordingly. This is a really nice feature that I would like to see in Smugmug too.
I have posted about this before, but I just want to reiterate that I wholeheartedly agree with the below post. More elegant, more dynamic, thumbnails that glow or something upon rollover, LARGER THUMBNAILS on home/gallery pages! Smugmug is so 2000 looking. In fact, as I'm not a pro user, and I don't really need all of smugmug's features so I'm considering switching if the general lackluster/outdated look and feel of smugmug is not addressed soon. I'm told repeatedly that it is in the works, but I'm losing patience. I'll give it a few more months as I love smugmug for other reasons. I'm getting the feeling that smugmug is really not so interested in basic users, but is really meant for people who want to customize their own html.
SmugMungous is in the works
it's taking us longer than we like, but it's on the radar. We have some really high-priority stuff to get through first, but we intend to have this taken care of soon, otherwise, we'd not have posted about it seeking feedback and input
We care deeply about all of our customers, and intend to be the leader in every regard, with a site that appeals to standard accounts as well as customizers, too. Thanks for sticking with us!
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If you are a power user / pro, you could set up a gallery redirect, and put it in the sharegroup...
This is another feature request for prints that give you your entire print without anything trimmed off the edge.
When ordering some enlargements from Costco (I need them tomorrow so Smugmug wasn't an option), I noticed that Costco now offers an option to get your prints with a border. You can get a white border or a black border. The great thing about this is that there is now a way to get your entire print on photo paper without anything trimmed off the edge of your photo. Since the border is an exact and predictable dimension, I can now get a full size print in a predictable size that turns out to be perfect for framing. If I order an 8x10 print or and 11x14 print with border, it's exactly right for framing without me having to leave any significant extra space in the photo. Without this, one has to leave almost 1/2" extra all the way around the photo (once for the trimming in the print process and once for the inset of the frame from the standard size).
I'd really like to see Smugmug offer this through their current printer or through a new printer. As it is today, it's next to impossible to order a print for framing unless it has a lot of extra space around all edges.
If you take a typical 3:2 dSLR photo and try to put it in an 8x10 frame or an 11x14 frame, you will find that you just can't do it unless the photo had massive amounts of extra space around the edge - e.g. it wasn't shot tight. It's bad enough just getting 3:2 down to 8x10, but add in all the extra crop you need for trim and frame and it's darn near impossible.
As it is today, I'm not ordering anything I want to frame from Smugmug because this is such a pain to deal with and I usually don't want to lose lots of my photo.
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Could you make the comment "spam guard" optional? I only ever had one instance of spam on an image and I'd prefer not to bother viewers with having to enter it.
Also, is there a way to let viewers "vote" for their favorite images in a gallery without typing it in the comment box? I know there is a star rating system but it only works if you enter in a comment.
If you hover the mouse over an image, a "thumbs up" and a "thumbs down" icon appear. These allow casual viewers to vote for photos that they like. The best photos appear in your /popular gallery.
Yes, but they aren't sorted.
For example, say you have a gallery of images that you want to show a friend, client, whoever. You want them to select their 50 favorite images of the 200 in the gallery. What's the easiest way to do that? Right now, they'd have to leave a comment on all 50 because even if they rate (with the star system) they still have to add a comment or it won't take. No one wants to leave 50 comments.
Thanks for the reply, btw, PB.
Product Idea:
- Perform a keyword search within one's smugmug site.
- Display in all thumbs view.
- Select from the search results in the above view to get a subset of the best ones.
- Drag/Drop to arrange the sub-set of thumbs in an array of, 6 x 7 (42), or 5 x 8 (40), or 4 x 7 (28) or some other appropriate number of thumbnails to fit a poster "page".
- Upload to shopping cart and buy a 24" x 36" poster from Smugmug with all the thumbs arranged as in the previous step.
Lots of possible variations to imagine, I'm sure):Thanks for the suggestion.
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you notice that there is quite a bit of space wasted on the sides of the browser window. Contrast this with a sample Zenfolio gallery:
and you can see that they are much better suited to photos (esp. horizontals) and better space efficiency/design.
Add your voice, there!
PS: perhaps you missed my response to your very same question, earlier, here:
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It's my sneaky way of getting in another plug for virtual galleries (not really...that wasn't the original intent, anyway...but I thought about it after posting the suggestion and realized it was indeed another plug for virtual galleries...along with a "practical" example of what could be done with them).
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
It appears I reached a major milestone (that of being a "high maintenence" customer) with my first year's subscription! Quite an achievement, don't you think?
Hi, I'm wondering if there are any plans for email themes. I'd like to be able to choose a theme (or at least a color other than black) for my emails when I share photos. I find the black rather dark and uninviting. I would love to use something like the Fresh Air theme or at least a brighter color for the email's background.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Can the email address process be improved? I would love to see a way to import addresses in bulk. For example, importing a csv file from Outlook with name and email. The current process is quite slow. Also, distribution lists would be awesome!
My site | Non-MHD Landscapes |Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Smugmug photos
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Good point. Hadn't thought of that. Instead of distribution lists, how about a way to at least organize the addresses (ie friends, work, family) that would be collapsible?
My site | Non-MHD Landscapes |Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Smugmug photos
I'm not sure if this has been asked before (or maybe I'm using the wrong search criteria) but I would like to be able to cross link my galleries. For example, I just spent a weekend visiting family out of state. I'd love to be able to cross link the gallery under both Family and Vacation. Is that possible or may it be in the future?