I'd really like to see some "alert" capabilities for viewers to "self-service" in a way so that they could get an alert of when there was a new gallery, change to a gallery, image added, etc....
They could sign up with simply a name and email address and have the alert sent to them upon their preferred timeframe...immediately, daily summary, weekly summary, etc
As the site owner I'd like to see a summary listing of all the alerts that have been setup on the site and the associated details.
Perhaps this could be something aligned with my address book as well?
It would be helpful to have access to copies of the actual emails Smugmug is sending the customer. Rationale:
This would give us all the info the previous posters are looking for and also give us a better shot at sounding intelligent when talking directly to our customers (ummm...I didn't send that to you, I use a company to do my ordering...etc.).
We do send you emails of what the customer sees, now
Another request:
Please put an indication on the pro orders summary screen of the status of the orders (i.e., waiting for retouch, order, shipped, etc.) Rationale:
I've noticed that the email notifications for orders lags the orders screen (as I'd expect, actually), however, I've had two instances in two days of not receiving emails for orders placed. Had I not happened to open an order from the pro order screen, I wouldn't have noticied that it was still in my 4 day retouch-wait state. Having only accessed the panel from the emails, I didn't actually work on and release the item.
We do this, too
Yet Another Request:
Please put a "Next" / "Previous" link in the order detail screen (off the pro order summary screen) Rationale:
From the Pro Order screen, you go in to work on an order (usually one that's held pending retouch verification). At the end of the work, you have to go back to the order summary, find the order you were working on, and then select the next one. It creates a strong possibility of missing one (especially since you can't see the status of the orders - as per my previous request).
- Gary.
Hm, I'm not really following this one - I just open up my orders in new tabs. Would this not work?
I am feeling like a broken record but would like some kind of final answer on this. When using the Timeline option the photos should be displayed last first, is makes the most sense, most recent first. If this was an option then I am sure the javascript showRecent could do the same thing.
I see this has been an ongoing request/issue/bugaboo and would like someone to at least respond with a yes/no or maybe ....
I'd really like to see some "alert" capabilities for viewers to "self-service" in a way so that they could get an alert of when there was a new gallery, change to a gallery, image added, etc....
They could sign up with simply a name and email address and have the alert sent to them upon their preferred timeframe...immediately, daily summary, weekly summary, etc
As the site owner I'd like to see a summary listing of all the alerts that have been setup on the site and the associated details.
Perhaps this could be something aligned with my address book as well?
Is there a way we can get out historical gallery view data in a raw csv format? You guys have the data somewhere already... you would just need to dump it into a csv and put it on a webserver, much like the raw sales data...
We do send you emails of what the customer sees, now
I must be missing this...I get the PROOF Pro Order email which starts with 'Who loves ya baby'...Inside I can see what they ordered, and what type of shipping they chose...but no details as to payment amounts (tax, shipping, total due...method of payment, etc.) and the wording is clearly to me, not what the customer sees ("Their shipping method was...", "You have opted to allow 4 business days...", etc.).
Another request:
Please put an indication on the pro orders summary screen of the status of the orders (i.e., waiting for retouch, order, shipped, etc.)
We do this, too
Again...I'm missing it. The screen I see (Pro summary) has columns: photo order # items smugmug yoursprofit (est.) date status. The status column indicates paid or unpaid...NOT the status of the order itself. It isn't until you drill into the actual order that I see the pending, shipped, etc.)...is there some way to add that column to the pro summary page?
Customize number of thumbs
My appologies if this has been brought forward (and if a fix has been found) - with 22 pages and me a work......
I have brought this up in the past but at that time no fixes in place, or planned - I would like to cap the number of thumbs at 9, or at the most at 12 without changing the theme I'm using.
Without being a coder, a simple fix/hack would seem simple to create/implement, no?
My appologies if this has been brought forward (and if a fix has been found) - with 22 pages and me a work......
I have brought this up in the past but at that time no fixes in place, or planned - I would like to cap the number of thumbs at 9, or at the most at 12 without changing the theme I'm using.
Without being a coder, a simple fix/hack would seem simple to create/implement, no?
Thanks Andy - I was aware of the option to force the gallery to SM small - but then the photo(s) are, well - small. I prefer the SmugMug style but then I'm forced to 15 thumbs.
What I'm wishing for, requesting, begging for, waiting for, praying for is to be able to have the 9 thumbs of SM small, but still use Smugmug style.
It would be very helpful if one could not use the file names in the keywords. So I guess have a way to exclude the file name from the keyword. The reason for this request is based on my current work flow - which of course is always subject to change and improvement.
What I do is the following:
Take lots of pictures hoping that some are good
Import them into Adobe Lightroom
Burn DNG
Assign Keywords that were not included in the "bulk" import process
Export JPG for SmugMug Use
Upload to SmugMug
Try to remember to go in and do a bulk keyword removal of the filename
perhaps the idea of if the keyword field is blank to put in the filename or user selectable?
Now *that* is one of the finest suggestions I've heard in a long time. Bravo, Cabbey
It's not there, because it's easily grabbed from within the exif floatie istelf, or the ensuing standalone exif page. I've asked for it to be on the share page, too.
It's not there, because it's easily grabbed from within the exif floatie istelf, or the ensuing standalone exif page.
A quick unscientific test here showed that only 1 of a dozen users ever *found* the link on the floater. And that was the one guy that scans his mouse under words as he reads them on the page, so as he read the pop up box, his mouse cursor changed from an arrow to a finger when he hovered over it to read it. Otherwise, it looks like a title, not a link.
If you look in the histories in dgrin, I suspect you'll see that when the layout changes happened over at smugmug we started getting a lot more people doing things like taking a screen shot of the floater and posting that in their notes to provide exif information. At least it seems to me that's when the number of folks doing that ballooned.
SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support http://wall-art.smugmug.com/
I know this has been brought up before, but getting alphabetical order in all of the places where one can choose from a list of galleries would make life so much easier. As it is I have to scroll through the huge and growing list of my galleries. If the list was in alphabetical order, it would be so helpful! Or even in some recognizable order (like oldest to newest). As it is, there seems to be no pattern that I can deciper and it's quite aggravating at times when I can't fine the gallery I'm looking for. I shudder to think what it will be like in a year -- as it is I've only had a the site for 7 months; in a year the list I have to search through will be scary long! It's got the point that I'm contemplating deleting galleries just to help me with this issue, because I would then have fewer to look through, but that doesn't seem like a good answer.
I'll second this motion and weigh in a little too! Facebook gets over 40 billion page hits per day... That's a LOT of time an attention by it's 30 or so million registered users who have close connections with each other (friends, school mates, collegues etc)... Existing SmugMuggers would LOVE to replace the default Facebook photos application with a SmugMug one instead of uploading copies to Facebook... A SmugMug app will in turn will drive traffic and attention to SmugMug... SmugMug speaks for itself, you don't need to advertise it to your friends, once they see it they're immediately impressed, and will buy in if / when ready...
Someone skilled could start by writing a Facebook app for harnessing SmugMug RSS feeds... But I think SmugMug themselves would benefit greatly by investing some time and effort thinking about an in-house solution... Don't miss out on some relatively cheap advertising and customer satisfaction! Not to mention adding an element of true social networking to SmugMug - albeit by proxy!
I know this has been brought up before, but getting alphabetical order in all of the places where one can choose from a list of galleries would make life so much easier. As it is I have to scroll through the huge and growing list of my galleries. If the list was in alphabetical order, it would be so helpful! Or even in some recognizable order (like oldest to newest). As it is, there seems to be no pattern that I can deciper and it's quite aggravating at times when I can't fine the gallery I'm looking for. I shudder to think what it will be like in a year -- as it is I've only had a the site for 7 months; in a year the list I have to search through will be scary long! It's got the point that I'm contemplating deleting galleries just to help me with this issue, because I would then have fewer to look through, but that doesn't seem like a good answer.
Thanks for listening.
I'm sitting here with 313 galleries now. And many of them have the same names (Bridals, Engagements, etc). Whenever I have to do something with galleries, I go and rename them first to something unique (like the initials of the bride and groom). That way I can more quickly find the galleries.
So yes ... anything that can be done to sort them out and make them easier to find would be appreciated!
I know this has been brought up before, but getting alphabetical order in all of the places where one can choose from a list of galleries would make life so much easier. As it is I have to scroll through the huge and growing list of my galleries. If the list was in alphabetical order, it would be so helpful! Or even in some recognizable order (like oldest to newest). As it is, there seems to be no pattern that I can deciper and it's quite aggravating at times when I can't fine the gallery I'm looking for. I shudder to think what it will be like in a year -- as it is I've only had a the site for 7 months; in a year the list I have to search through will be scary long! It's got the point that I'm contemplating deleting galleries just to help me with this issue, because I would then have fewer to look through, but that doesn't seem like a good answer.
Thanks for listening.
I've asked for the same thing.
But in the meantime - do yourself a favor, and get the excellent SmugBrowser plugin for Firefox:
Originally Posted by Andy We do send you emails of what the customer sees, now
I must be missing this...I get the PROOF Pro Order email which starts with 'Who loves ya baby'...Inside I can see what they ordered, and what type of shipping they chose...but no details as to payment amounts (tax, shipping, total due...method of payment, etc.) and the wording is clearly to me, not what the customer sees ("Their shipping method was...", "You have opted to allow 4 business days...", etc.).
Originally Posted by Andy Another request:
Please put an indication on the pro orders summary screen of the status of the orders (i.e., waiting for retouch, order, shipped, etc.)
We do this, too
Again...I'm missing it. The screen I see (Pro summary) has columns: photo order # items smugmug yoursprofit (est.) date status. The status column indicates paid or unpaid...NOT the status of the order itself. It isn't until you drill into the actual order that I see the pending, shipped, etc.)...is there some way to add that column to the pro summary page?
Any chance you will offer note cards or thank you photo cards?
Had my third customer ask for this (graduation thank yous)...ended up sending them to Shutterfly after giving them the jpg - easier than going through the hassle of doing it myself :pissed
Generally when asking for a timeline things are displayed last to first or at least the option is available to switch the order. Maybe what I am asking for is crazy hard to do, just figure pressing for an answer will satisfy my curiousity.
Because the java I am using for my recent button just uses the timeline function (I think) maybe there could be a switch in the timeline function to change the order of display (first to last or last to first). This way both features would have the option.
I don't know how you could do, just want to know if you can.:D
Subscribe to email notification of gallery changes
Would be great if a user could subscribe to email notifications when I add any new galleries or update a gallery on my SmugMug site.
This would allow the user to get notifications and manage their own subscription right on my SmugMug site rather than me managing a distribution list seperately.
ps: They could subscribe to an RSS feed of the site and learn of updates that way, but many folks want a "push" notification rather than using an RSS reader...
How does this forum work?
How does this work? Do suggestions get acknowledgement that they have been received and will be considered? The thread below shows miscommunication, then clarification, and then repeated nothing...I have no idea if my request is now properly undertood, accepted, or if I'm missing some fix I can apply given the system the way it it today.
I currently have 5 such questions going un-acknowledged. I'm bumping them on a regular basis and getting no response.
Any thought on the other two points? The trail is below....
Originally Posted by GJMPhoto Ok...I'll try it in Firefox and see if that makes it more usable.
Did we finally connect on the other two points? I didn't see a response on those two.
Originally Posted by Us Quote:
Originally Posted by Andy We do send you emails of what the customer sees, now
I must be missing this...I get the PROOF Pro Order email which starts with 'Who loves ya baby'...Inside I can see what they ordered, and what type of shipping they chose...but no details as to payment amounts (tax, shipping, total due...method of payment, etc.) and the wording is clearly to me, not what the customer sees ("Their shipping method was...", "You have opted to allow 4 business days...", etc.).
Originally Posted by Andy Another request:
Please put an indication on the pro orders summary screen of the status of the orders (i.e., waiting for retouch, order, shipped, etc.)
We do this, too
Again...I'm missing it. The screen I see (Pro summary) has columns: photo order # items smugmug yoursprofit (est.) date status. The status column indicates paid or unpaid...NOT the status of the order itself. It isn't until you drill into the actual order that I see the pending, shipped, etc.)...is there some way to add that column to the pro summary page?
Had my third customer ask for this (graduation thank yous)...ended up sending them to Shutterfly after giving them the jpg - easier than going through the hassle of doing it myself :pissed
The proof delay is a great feature to make sure that customers get the best prints.
Here is the problem when I want to purchase my prints from my own site. I have to either go into each gallery and turn proof delay off while I place my order. Or send a request to the help desk to release the order.
We really need a better way to address this.
Some possible options.
1. Omit proof delay any time prints are ordered while logged in.
Hi Guys,
Great app.
I'd really like to see some "alert" capabilities for viewers to "self-service" in a way so that they could get an alert of when there was a new gallery, change to a gallery, image added, etc....
They could sign up with simply a name and email address and have the alert sent to them upon their preferred timeframe...immediately, daily summary, weekly summary, etc
As the site owner I'd like to see a summary listing of all the alerts that have been setup on the site and the associated details.
Perhaps this could be something aligned with my address book as well?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
how can we reverse that?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Feeds will do most of what you want
And if you are a power or pro customer, you can put in Google Analytics and Statcounter to see gobs of data about who's visiting
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Just an idea...
Again...I'm missing it. The screen I see (Pro summary) has columns: photo order # items smugmug yoursprofit (est.) date status. The status column indicates paid or unpaid...NOT the status of the order itself. It isn't until you drill into the actual order that I see the pending, shipped, etc.)...is there some way to add that column to the pro summary page?
Tabs??? My orders come up without any tabs...
I think you and I have a different screenflow...
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Ok...I'll try it in Firefox and see if that makes it more usable.
Did we finally connect on the other two points? I didn't see a response on those two.
My appologies if this has been brought forward (and if a fix has been found) - with 22 pages and me a work......
I have brought this up in the past but at that time no fixes in place, or planned - I would like to cap the number of thumbs at 9, or at the most at 12 without changing the theme I'm using.
Without being a coder, a simple fix/hack would seem simple to create/implement, no?
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
See post #1 in this thread:
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Thanks Andy - I was aware of the option to force the gallery to SM small - but then the photo(s) are, well - small. I prefer the SmugMug style but then I'm forced to 15 thumbs.
What I'm wishing for, requesting, begging for, waiting for, praying for is to be able to have the 9 thumbs of SM small, but still use Smugmug style.
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
I was browsing for help on how to not have the file name appear in the keywords (http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=40403&highlight=keyword)
It would be very helpful if one could not use the file names in the keywords. So I guess have a way to exclude the file name from the keyword. The reason for this request is based on my current work flow - which of course is always subject to change and improvement.
What I do is the following:
perhaps the idea of if the keyword field is blank to put in the filename or user selectable?
Pictures | Website | Blog | Twitter | Contact
It's not there, because it's easily grabbed from within the exif floatie istelf, or the ensuing standalone exif page. I've asked for it to be on the share page, too.
Sorry we don't have it there yet
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
A quick unscientific test here showed that only 1 of a dozen users ever *found* the link on the floater. And that was the one guy that scans his mouse under words as he reads them on the page, so as he read the pop up box, his mouse cursor changed from an arrow to a finger when he hovered over it to read it. Otherwise, it looks like a title, not a link.
If you look in the histories in dgrin, I suspect you'll see that when the layout changes happened over at smugmug we started getting a lot more people doing things like taking a screen shot of the floater and posting that in their notes to provide exif information. At least it seems to me that's when the number of folks doing that ballooned.
Thanks for listening.
85mm f/1.8, 17-50 + 28-75m f/2.8 lenses
iMac 24" 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Extreme, 4Gb RAM, OSX 10.5.7
http://encosion.com/ | http://encosion.smugmug.com/
I'm sitting here with 313 galleries now. And many of them have the same names (Bridals, Engagements, etc). Whenever I have to do something with galleries, I go and rename them first to something unique (like the initials of the bride and groom). That way I can more quickly find the galleries.
So yes ... anything that can be done to sort them out and make them easier to find would be appreciated!
But in the meantime - do yourself a favor, and get the excellent SmugBrowser plugin for Firefox:
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Any thought on the other two points? The trail is below....
Had my third customer ask for this (graduation thank yous)...ended up sending them to Shutterfly after giving them the jpg - easier than going through the hassle of doing it myself
Generally when asking for a timeline things are displayed last to first or at least the option is available to switch the order. Maybe what I am asking for is crazy hard to do, just figure pressing for an answer will satisfy my curiousity.
Because the java I am using for my recent button just uses the timeline function (I think) maybe there could be a switch in the timeline function to change the order of display (first to last or last to first). This way both features would have the option.
I don't know how you could do, just want to know if you can.:D
Would be great if a user could subscribe to email notifications when I add any new galleries or update a gallery on my SmugMug site.
This would allow the user to get notifications and manage their own subscription right on my SmugMug site rather than me managing a distribution list seperately.
ps: They could subscribe to an RSS feed of the site and learn of updates that way, but many folks want a "push" notification rather than using an RSS reader...
How does this work? Do suggestions get acknowledgement that they have been received and will be considered? The thread below shows miscommunication, then clarification, and then repeated nothing...I have no idea if my request is now properly undertood, accepted, or if I'm missing some fix I can apply given the system the way it it today.
I currently have 5 such questions going un-acknowledged. I'm bumping them on a regular basis and getting no response.
Here's number 1:
Originally Posted by GJMPhoto
Ok...I'll try it in Firefox and see if that makes it more usable.
Did we finally connect on the other two points? I didn't see a response on those two.
Originally Posted by Us
Originally Posted by Andy
We do send you emails of what the customer sees, now
I must be missing this...I get the PROOF Pro Order email which starts with 'Who loves ya baby'...Inside I can see what they ordered, and what type of shipping they chose...but no details as to payment amounts (tax, shipping, total due...method of payment, etc.) and the wording is clearly to me, not what the customer sees ("Their shipping method was...", "You have opted to allow 4 business days...", etc.).
Originally Posted by Andy
Another request:
Please put an indication on the pro orders summary screen of the status of the orders (i.e., waiting for retouch, order, shipped, etc.)
We do this, too
Again...I'm missing it. The screen I see (Pro summary) has columns: photo order # items smugmug yoursprofit (est.) date status. The status column indicates paid or unpaid...NOT the status of the order itself. It isn't until you drill into the actual order that I see the pending, shipped, etc.)...is there some way to add that column to the pro summary page?
Request number 2:
Originally Posted by GJMPhoto
Any chance you will offer note cards or thank you photo cards?
A great feature would be a button to view your page "as the public sees it."
It would be nice to see your page as if you were logged out without having to log out and then log back in. Kind of a "preview" mode.
But in the meantime, just use a 2nd browser on your machine. We *love* Firefox - it's free from www.mozilla.com
You stay logged in on your primary browser. You have a 2nd browser, you are always logged out on.
Running multiple browsers is very simple - I often have 3, 4, 5 browsers going on my machine. Two is a piece of cake.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Thanks. Now why didn't I think of that?
I use Firefox. LOVE IT!
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Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter