SmugMug Bug Reporting Thread

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Replace 2 photos in 2 galleries. Watermark is now significantly smaller. This is exactly the same thing that happened after the new sizes (x2, x3) were first introduced.
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Here is the link to the photos that were replaced. The gallery was created and the watermark set, prior to any uploads. You can view any of the other photos in the gallery that were watermarked up initial upload around Oct 28 or 29th.
We'll be trying to replicate this problem and see if it happens on other galleries as well.
Please post any new information you come across the problem here.
An easy temporary workaround would be to reapply the watermark using the watermarking photo tool after replacing a photo. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
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Thanks I thought there was a workaround that I might have forgotten. But I tried rewatermarking one of them and it didn't change. I will try again. And then try to rotate. I will let you know if it is successful.
The following photos were taken in quick succession (3 photos in 1 second) and when the gallery is set to order the photos by date/time taken they end up out of order. For example:
The order should really be the second, the third, then the first. I have other sets of pictures in other albums that have this exact same problem. I know that this is likely an artifact of an index on the table in the database, but would it be possible to auto order the photos by two criteria, not just one. I don't have a estimate of the preformance impact that a second ordering by a not-included-in-the-index column would have.
Enough tech-babel, thoughts?
This says 900:
but this says 899:
(I did delete a photo from this album within the last few min as a note.) & smugmug
If I log out it says 899 for both, logged in the gallery is 900 and lightbox is 899... Might this have to do with the "hide photo" feature? I have not used it intentionally. I am going to look to see if I accidentally clicked it somewhere along the line. & smugmug
The following url (in critique mode)
causes the java script to be generated improperly. Try clicking on the image to make the lightbox come up.
The "proper" url is here:
BTW about the 899/900 is still showing 899 in lightbox mode and I have checked every image...none are hidden. I ran "smugmug.images.getInfo" from the 1.2.1 api across every image and the "Hidden" parameter is 0 for every image. Also "smugmug.images.get" returns 900 ids for the album. I also tried reproducing the "bug" by uploading the deleted photo again then going an deleting it again (what I did right before I noticed the bug) and it is still 900/899. Any more thoughts on this front?
But how to you get that url? I can't make that url happen by normal browsing in the gallery... help me?
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The 899/900 I still can not replicate. I see 900 regardless of being logged in/out, lightbox/no lightbox <img src="" border="0" alt="" > & smugmug
Now here is a fun "feature" creative keywords (view in critique mode)...
Keyword string contained:
</textarea><script>alert('Hello. This is kind of fun.\nNow with all the framework that is built into these pages or available on the web...sammy worm anyone?')</s c r i p t>
I got this url (which is related to the previous bug) by starting at this url:
in "smugmug" gallery mode and changing to "critique" mode.
Would it be possible to only affect "<" and ">" - I have an idea for how smugmug handles special characters in a keyword... Keywords describe properties of a picture, but I would like to use characters like "~`!@#$%^&*()...", the ones that get filtered out of display and searching, to describe how the keyword and picture relate. Think taging regions of photos with information.
Sorry I am so long winded and bothersome with the bugs.
The way we currently handle keywords doesn't allow for any special characters as the keywords are contained in urls without any url encoding.
Here's an example url:
We'll keep possible encoding of keywords in mind to maybe allow additional characters, but right now it is not possible.
Additionally, you have control over how keywords are sorted and this could mess your relation between the keywords up.
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In messing with customizing my smugmug site today, I think I came across an error/typo....
This is a quote from the FAQ site:
Can I change the direction of the filmstrip, or make it stop moving by default?
This code in your CSS box will stop the filmstrip, by default:
filmstripMove = 0;
Does this not belong in the javascript box instead? I messed with it both ways and it only works when put in the javascript box instead of the CSS box.
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When flicking through thumbnails and then hovering over the main medium sized pic and clicking Photo Info, it often displays info from a previous photo you've looked at. The only way to force it to update is to leave the gallery and go back in, but then after viewing more than one picture it starts happening again.
The screengrab below is an example, the data shown is not for that particular image, it's from a previous one I have looked at.
Anyone else?
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Can you give us some more details on what exactly you're doing after entering the gallery? Are you going to the next page or do you click on a couple of thumbs first?
What's the easiest way to make this problem show in your IE? Give us a complete walk through if this is possible.
To me the whole problem sounds like your javascript stops working after a while. Are you able to click on other photos once the photo info doesn't seem to update anymore? Do you maybe have the yellow exclamation mark in the status bar in the bottom left? Try double clicking on it if you get it and let us know what error message you see.
SmugMug Support Hero
1) Open a Gallery
2) Hover over the Medium Sized image (just the first one that appears is fine)
3) Click 'Photo Info'
4) Click the close button on the Photo Info box
5) Click on another thumbnail on the same page
6) Repeat steps 2 and 3 again
I just did it as I typed this and it happened again, the second photo showed the Photo Info from the first one I looked at. Sometimes it doesn't happen until you've looked at a few, as people are always asking me for shutter speed/aperture info on my motorsport shots I am nearly always clicking on pics and bringing up the Photo Info box, and it always happens by the time I've looked at a few photos.
I can continue to surf around my site as normal when it happens, I just close the Photo Info box and carry on, but until I leave the gallery it will always bring up the Photo Info for the one that it's got 'stuck on' if I click the Photo Info link, regardless of which picture I'm viewing. I don't get any error messages or anything flagged up in my browser.
Update: I've just played around in Firefox and it works fine in there, I will use that from now on!
Can you may try your IE7 cache and cookies and see if the problem persists?
If it continues to happen, check if your security level is set to medium (not medium-high) and that you have disabled the protected mode. You can find the settings in Tools > Internet Options > Security tab.
I'm glad that at least Firefox works for you.
SmugMug Support Hero
Lightbox active area extends under the main photo and is covering the
photobar and the save movie icon is not pickable. Only see it in galleries
with movies. Link passworded gallery
Plus when swinging mouse across main photo the photobar sometimes pops
out and stays out. Happens in all galleries erratically.
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Notice photobar is frozen in out position also.
That active area brings up lightbox.
Firefox w2kp
IE6 ok -- opp save icon not clickable
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main photo is active photobar click in FF only.
Also photobar froze out in IE6 also after couple swings across main photo.
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I've discovered that the script doesn't seem to acknowledge the "Hidden" setting of images and displays images marked as hidden.
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