Hi! Just thought I'd let you know that I found a bug in the iPhone app (which, while slightly buggy, pretty much rocks). When you change the upload gallery to a new one, it always goes back to "Smugshot" gallery.
I'm trying to set it up so that hubby has his own gallery and, when I get my iPhone, I'll do a new one for myself that's separate.
Hi! Just thought I'd let you know that I found a bug in the iPhone app (which, while slightly buggy, pretty much rocks). When you change the upload gallery to a new one, it always goes back to "Smugshot" gallery.
I'm trying to set it up so that hubby has his own gallery and, when I get my iPhone, I'll do a new one for myself that's separate.
Yes, this happens for me when I close SmugShots and re-open it. It seems that the gallery setting isn't saved properly.
While I'm in SmugShots after the change, I can upload photos just fine to my selected gallery.
The first time I do this, not pictures show. Refresh and I get pictures. In Safari, I get the pictures the first time. So this might be a FF 3.0 bug. Don't still have my old FF laying around or I'd try that.
This is a "viewer controlled" style gallery, so I don't think it's something weird I did, but you never know.
The first time I do this, not pictures show. Refresh and I get pictures. In Safari, I get the pictures the first time. So this might be a FF 3.0 bug. Don't still have my old FF laying around or I'd try that.
This is a "viewer controlled" style gallery, so I don't think it's something weird I did, but you never know.
A couple of issues have cropped up since the latest changes to smugmug (new cart) were implemented...
I often find that pictures don't load in my galleries after using a photo tool or clicking on a keyword. The gallery loads, but not the thumbnails or pictures. Reloading the page fixes the problem. But it happens a lot and never happened before the new cart. (using firefox 2)
The second problem isn't really a bug but it is a change that prevents me from accessing my galleries from my work computer. Previously, before the new cart, I couldn't use the smugmug style from work but traditional worked fine. If I used smugmug style, i'd get a blank gallery that never loads (similar to what i described above). But I could just switch to Traditional and it would work fine. Since the new cart, changing the style has no effect. So i'm completely unable to view any galleries unless they are set to traditional style in the gallery customization. Any idea why that changed and whether or not it could be changed back to the old way?
Ok, I couldn't replicate this problem with any other account. So, I thought it might be caused by your customization. I have to admit, I'm not the best with that kind of stuff. So, I asked Barb to take a look. She found that it was something in your footer. However, we're not quite sure exactly what it is in your footer. We just know that if we remove all of the stuff in your footer, it removes the problem. Check that carefully. You might want to jump over to the customization forum and see if any of the guys there can see what in the footer is causing the problem.
Ok, I couldn't replicate this problem with any other account. So, I thought it might be caused by your customization. I have to admit, I'm not the best with that kind of stuff. So, I asked Barb to take a look. She found that it was something in your footer. However, we're not quite sure exactly what it is in your footer. We just know that if we remove all of the stuff in your footer, it removes the problem. Check that carefully. You might want to jump over to the customization forum and see if any of the guys there can see what in the footer is causing the problem.
Very interesting. Seems to be it. It's tracking code for http://extremetracking.com. I've been using it for years with no problems (on smugmug and another site). This only started when the new cart was rolled out. Must be interfering with something...
Oh well, guess I'll just live with it. Not a big deal, just an annoyance. I much prefer extreme tracking over anything else I've tried. I pay for it.
GeoTag signing
You may have read that the iphone has a GeoTag but that effects the exif tags in the photo. Well I was testing SmugMug and can confirm that this suffers from this as well.
I live at about 3.5degW (middle of Scotland), the map link in smugmug puts me at 3.5deg East, right in the middle of the North Sea among the UK's oil fields!!
Not suggesting its SmugMug itself but the Exif data on the iphone, but I kno some other iPhone tools who read the GPS and then update the Exif themselves rather than using the built in call. Seems more reliable.
When attempting to customize a gallery, I'm changing the Auto sort option under Look & Feel to By date modified. At the top, I'm saving it as a custom quick setting but when choosing this same custom quick setting on another gallery, the Auto sort option is defaulted to None, instead of By date modified.
Can you direct me to a gallery this is happening in? What are you saving the quick setting as? Do you have a password and password hint on the gallery?
Can you direct me to a gallery this is happening in? What are you saving the quick setting as? Do you have a password and password hint on the gallery?
Cardmaker is broken on the live site, fixed internally and we'll get it out - and with some new cards, and then more in the future as well.
Andy do you have any idea when the Cardmaker will be fixed online? I've just received a card order from a client and don't know if I' going to be able to fofill the order or lose the sale. When will it will be up again, SOON? Thanks ~Bill~
New Jersey Photographer Professional Photographers Association & National Photoshop Professionals Member www.billpador.com
Andy do you have any idea when the Cardmaker will be fixed online? I've just received a card order from a client and don't know if I' going to be able to fofill the order or lose the sale. When will it will be up again, SOON? Thanks ~Bill~
Soon, we hope. The only cards we have right now are Holiday Cards... more to come
Andy do you have any idea when the Cardmaker will be fixed online? I've just received a card order from a client and don't know if I' going to be able to fofill the order or lose the sale. When will it will be up again, SOON? Thanks ~Bill~
You can always create your own card. Just download the example and edit
then upload. Just keep the same I think 800x400 size at 300dpi.
Most 4x8 cards require a resolution of 1200x2400 pixels.
Stats security breached. I am able to access another user's stats.
I have just stumbled across a bug today. I had logged into my own account yesterday and had the stats page downloaded and opened. I put my computer to sleep and later in the day, I refreshed the page again to get an update of the stats. The numbers were totally different and all the gallery names were all renamed as My Smug Mug. When I then clicked on each of the galleries, it took me to another user's photo galleries (someone who I do not know and is a complete stranger to me). This basically meant that I was inadvertently given access to someone else's account through their stats pages. Stats themselves may not necessarily cause big privacy issues, although they are only accessible by the account holder. What concerns me though is that it means I could have accessed this other user's private galleries through their stats without them knowing.
I couldn't find any info on this in the other threads. Is Smugmug aware of this security issue?
Obviously, I don't want to put links to the galleries of the other user, but if admin requires more info, please email me directly.
Temporary Service Interuption
When I go to my site www.if3000.com i get a temporary service interuption. Noone at help@smugmug.com is responding to me. I want access to my site for myself and visitors.
When I go to my site www.if3000.com i get a temporary service interuption. Noone at help@smugmug.com is responding to me. I want access to my site for myself and visitors.
Hi Isaac, the sites been down for all: http://smugmug.wordpress.com/ I have no emails from you today at our help desk, sorry
When I go to my site www.if3000.com i get a temporary service interuption. Noone at help@smugmug.com is responding to me. I want access to my site for myself and visitors.
Issac, Figures right, SmugMug is very rarely down but when you have compkany over and want to show off your images you can't Par for the course isn't it? I needed to upload a large job today so I'm also waiting patiently for it to come back online I'm glad this is not a usual problem
ANDY (or other SmugMug rep) Can you give me an idea of WHEN the CARD BUILDER will be back online (days-weeks)? I have 2 customers waiting for cards and I'd like to give them an idea of when I will be able to process their orders please. . . . .
New Jersey Photographer Professional Photographers Association & National Photoshop Professionals Member www.billpador.com
ANDY (or other SmugMug rep) Can you give me an idea of WHEN the CARD BUILDER will be back online (days-weeks)? I have 2 customers waiting for cards and I'd like to give them an idea of when I will be able to process their orders please. . . . .
It's fixed internally, just have to get it shipped. I hope it's fast and soon!
Issac, Figures right, SmugMug is very rarely down but when you have compkany over and want to show off your images you can't Par for the course isn't it? I needed to upload a large job today so I'm also waiting patiently for it to come back online I'm glad this is not a usual problem
ANDY (or other SmugMug rep) Can you give me an idea of WHEN the CARD BUILDER will be back online (days-weeks)? I have 2 customers waiting for cards and I'd like to give them an idea of when I will be able to process their orders please. . . . .
smugmug is international. All shooters. smugmug for buyers internationally...my bank account would appreciate. to bad that is not a bug that is fixed soon. that'll be the day...patience
smugmug is international. All shooters. smugmug for buyers internationally...my bank account would appreciate. to bad that is not a bug that is fixed soon. that'll be the day...patience
Yes a nice deposit of 1 Million in my account would do nicely:)
Amazons tech dashboard is reporting all system have been fixed and are back online now, SmugMug is also back in the saddle as far as I can tell so far. Thanks SmugMug for getting us back in business
New Jersey Photographer Professional Photographers Association & National Photoshop Professionals Member www.billpador.com
Unlisted galleries and slideshow feature
I was unable to use the slideshow style with an unlisted gallery I have, but the slideshow button (slow) worked.
Yes a nice deposit of 1 Million in my account would do nicely:)
Amazons tech dashboard is reporting all system have been fixed and are back online now, SmugMug is also back in the saddle as far as I can tell so far. Thanks SmugMug for getting us back in business
My client just called me to check on an image. My site is password protected. When she refreshed her screen, smugmug is reported as being down. Which is it? Up, was up, now down? Internet Explorer says down.
My client just called me to check on an image. My site is password protected. When she refreshed her screen, smugmug is reported as being down. Which is it? Up, was up, now down? Internet Explorer says down.
Its down again.
I'm glad that these things are so rare that we don't even know about them. This is the first time in my long history that I have seen SmugMug going down for so long. Have seen short and planned downtime. And its not really that SmugMug is down its S3 of Amazon that is down. Of course that means nothing to you, me and our customers but this happens and I know they are trying their best to get it back up again. I'm in India so when it happened it was late night for us, I thought it would be up later at night (and I guess from the messages that SM was up at night for sometime). This morning thought it would have been fixed by now but its still down. Will wait patiently. Not that we have much of a choice.
Good time to pull out those SLA documents and see what was promised.
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While I'm in SmugShots after the change, I can upload photos just fine to my selected gallery.
We'll pass this information on to our engineers.
SmugMug Support Hero
With FF 3.0 on OS X 10.5.4, visit this gallery:
The first time I do this, not pictures show. Refresh and I get pictures. In Safari, I get the pictures the first time. So this might be a FF 3.0 bug. Don't still have my old FF laying around or I'd try that.
This is a "viewer controlled" style gallery, so I don't think it's something weird I did, but you never know.
Might be an instance of this bug: http://dgrin.com/showpost.php?p=870658&postcount=329
FYI, Loads up for me on first try with FF3 on WinXP.
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After clearing the browser cache, it works for me as well. This is annoying, but I suppose survivable.
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Ok, I couldn't replicate this problem with any other account. So, I thought it might be caused by your customization. I have to admit, I'm not the best with that kind of stuff. So, I asked Barb to take a look. She found that it was something in your footer. However, we're not quite sure exactly what it is in your footer. We just know that if we remove all of the stuff in your footer, it removes the problem. Check that carefully. You might want to jump over to the customization forum and see if any of the guys there can see what in the footer is causing the problem.
Very interesting. Seems to be it. It's tracking code for http://extremetracking.com. I've been using it for years with no problems (on smugmug and another site). This only started when the new cart was rolled out. Must be interfering with something...
Oh well, guess I'll just live with it. Not a big deal, just an annoyance. I much prefer extreme tracking over anything else I've tried. I pay for it.
Thanks for the help!
You may have read that the iphone has a GeoTag but that effects the exif tags in the photo. Well I was testing SmugMug and can confirm that this suffers from this as well.
I live at about 3.5degW (middle of Scotland), the map link in smugmug puts me at 3.5deg East, right in the middle of the North Sea among the UK's oil fields!!
Not suggesting its SmugMug itself but the Exif data on the iphone, but I kno some other iPhone tools who read the GPS and then update the Exif themselves rather than using the built in call. Seems more reliable.
I was browsing a gallery I have, when this gal showed up:
needless to say, she's not a part of this gallery....or anything else I've shot. So where'd she come from?
A refresh of the page after I took this capture returned the image I expected.
Can you direct me to a gallery this is happening in? What are you saving the quick setting as? Do you have a password and password hint on the gallery?
The gallery in question is here: http://valkyrie.smugmug.com/gallery/3097483_qBKUT
No passwords, hints, etc. - just an unlisted gallery.
Professional Photographers Association & National Photoshop Professionals Member
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then upload. Just keep the same I think 800x400 size at 300dpi.
Most 4x8 cards require a resolution of 1200x2400 pixels.
My Website index | My Blog
I wonder if you know that my control pannel is showing wrong number of Photos uploaded: 16777215
My Gallery
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I have just stumbled across a bug today. I had logged into my own account yesterday and had the stats page downloaded and opened. I put my computer to sleep and later in the day, I refreshed the page again to get an update of the stats. The numbers were totally different and all the gallery names were all renamed as My Smug Mug. When I then clicked on each of the galleries, it took me to another user's photo galleries (someone who I do not know and is a complete stranger to me). This basically meant that I was inadvertently given access to someone else's account through their stats pages. Stats themselves may not necessarily cause big privacy issues, although they are only accessible by the account holder. What concerns me though is that it means I could have accessed this other user's private galleries through their stats without them knowing.
I couldn't find any info on this in the other threads. Is Smugmug aware of this security issue?
Obviously, I don't want to put links to the galleries of the other user, but if admin requires more info, please email me directly.
OS X 10.4.11
Safari 3.1.2
Website: www.lookingglassphotography.com.au
Blog: http://lookingglassphotography.posterous.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/LookingGlassPho
When I go to my site www.if3000.com i get a temporary service interuption. Noone at help@smugmug.com is responding to me. I want access to my site for myself and visitors.
http://smugmug.wordpress.com/ I have no emails from you today at our help desk, sorry
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
ANDY (or other SmugMug rep) Can you give me an idea of WHEN the CARD BUILDER will be back online (days-weeks)? I have 2 customers waiting for cards and I'd like to give them an idea of when I will be able to process their orders please. . . . .
Professional Photographers Association & National Photoshop Professionals Member
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Amazons tech dashboard is reporting all system have been fixed and are back online now, SmugMug is also back in the saddle as far as I can tell so far. Thanks SmugMug for getting us back in business
Professional Photographers Association & National Photoshop Professionals Member
I was unable to use the slideshow style with an unlisted gallery I have, but the slideshow button (slow) worked.
My client just called me to check on an image. My site is password protected. When she refreshed her screen, smugmug is reported as being down. Which is it? Up, was up, now down? Internet Explorer says down.
Its down again.
I'm glad that these things are so rare that we don't even know about them. This is the first time in my long history that I have seen SmugMug going down for so long. Have seen short and planned downtime. And its not really that SmugMug is down its S3 of Amazon that is down. Of course that means nothing to you, me and our customers but this happens and I know they are trying their best to get it back up again. I'm in India so when it happened it was late night for us, I thought it would be up later at night (and I guess from the messages that SM was up at night for sometime). This morning thought it would have been fixed by now but its still down. Will wait patiently. Not that we have much of a choice.
Good time to pull out those SLA documents and see what was promised.
http://photos.suchit.in/ http://suchitnanda.org/
Transforming light into expressions of emotions.
The site (for me at least) is very fast loading, navigating, everything....Keep up the good work SM staff.
Yes Mike checked after an hour and yes its up now and blazing fast.
http://photos.suchit.in/ http://suchitnanda.org/
Transforming light into expressions of emotions.