You can achieve this by adding the following javascript to your javascript footer section.
if (YD.hasClass(document.body, 'loggedIn')) {
document.oncontextmenu = null;
Uhhh. I don't think this works. It stops you from getting the message prompt when you right click, but the transparent GIF image is still covering your image so right click only saves a 1 pixel GIF image, not the image you really want.
Display ITCP Data on page. If Smug Mug(SM) accepts ITCP files and when someone purchases the image they are there, then why not show it on the screen? We are using SM for scientific purposes so location, species, and other descriptions are very important. I have searched many photohosting sites and SM has all of the features except this. Please help become the perfect site in which I believe you are. Thanks.
Also more keyword availabilty. What I have found is Smug Mug only uses the first 10 keywords for a search. Why not more, especially if people are using for stock?
Display ITCP Data on page. If Smug Mug(SM) accepts ITCP files and when someone purchases the image they are there, then why not show it on the screen? We are using SM for scientific purposes so location, species, and other descriptions are very important. I have searched many photohosting sites and SM has all of the features except this. Please help become the perfect site in which I believe you are. Thanks.
I assume you mean IPTC data? We already display the caption, keywords and geodata, what other official IPTC tags would you like?
Also more keyword availabilty. What I have found is Smug Mug only uses the first 10 keywords for a search. Why not more, especially if people are using for stock?
It's 15 keywords, actually.
We found that there were a some people using lots and lots of keywords, and this was causing a tremendous strain on our servers. A few were impacting the experience for many. So, we settled on 15 keywords.
I wish I had a better answer for you at the moment, I'm sorry.
I'm a little disappointed that after first having my question shunted to the feature request forum, now it is apparently being ignored. I did not think that Smugmug treated paying customers this way. Perhaps I was wrong.
My question is important to my business success. As such, I would greatly appreciate a response.
If I'm not mistaken, I think these features have been requested in the past. For example, here
That is why I was asking if there was any plan to implement either or both of the features. If the answer is "no," or "maybe but we won't talk about it," that's fine. I would just like to know something so that I can plan accordingly.
But only in their dreams can men be truly free. 'Twas always thus, and always thus will be. - John Keating
I'm a little disappointed that after first having my question shunted to the feature request forum, now it is apparently being ignored. I did not think that Smugmug treated paying customers this way. Perhaps I was wrong.
My question is important to my business success. As such, I would greatly appreciate a response.
Thank you
We take every request seriously, I can assure you, and none is ignored. We have a lot of requests and all of them are looked at, reviewed on how/when to implement when they are. We don't comment on what we are working on, or when things will be available, I'm sorry.
I'm a little disappointed that after first having my question shunted to the feature request forum, now it is apparently being ignored. I did not think that Smugmug treated paying customers this way. Perhaps I was wrong.
Don't hold your breathe. I've just had an answer from Andy and nothing is changing.
I did not think that Smugmug treated paying customers this way.
We know it's hugely important to you. We read this thread every single day. And the requests we get via help desk, too.
I moved your thread here so that it would never, ever get lost (see post one, where I track all the old ones, too!).
Surely you can understand that? If you feel mistreated by that, I'm terribly, terribly sorry I made you feel that way.
We'd love to do all the requests our customers make, but we just can't. We do have an great track record of implementing customer requested features - it's in fact how our site has improved so much!
Thanks again for making your request, and for letting us know how important it is to you.
gallery clone
Basically I want a few people to be able to have full access to my originals images and printing at cost while everyone else is restricted to whatever prices, images sizes, etc. I set for the gallery. One way would be to make password protection work in two ways. One being the current way and two swithing to alternate protections.
If that feature can't be added then how about a clone gallery tool. That way I could just clone my gallery on your side without having to wait hours for everything to get uploaded a second time, taking hours to re-enter captions for everything, etc. Then I could just set one gallery to be password protected but with no restrictions and leave the cloned one open but with restrictions.
I'm not allowed to make some sports photos generally accessible or to offer prints or sales aside to a highly limited number of personal friends. In other cases I want the distinction to protect full images, etc. while letting friends, fellow travelers share originals fully with no restriction.
Pro proofing suggestions
I have a few suggestions that would make pro proofing a little bit easier. None of them are absolutely necessary although I suspect they'd be pretty easy to implement and they would shave some time off of processing orders.
1. On the main page, it would be nice to have an additional status marker that lets you know if you've already approved an order. When the orders stack up it's tough to remember which you've processed and then you have to open several links to make sure one doesn't fall through the cracks (particularly when you have 15 orders from one hockey tournament where they all look alike).
2. On the individual order page, it would be better for me to sort the individual prints by filename/ date. People order the photos in a random order but I have to go back to Lightroom and dig them all up. It would be much easier for me if I didn't have to shuffle back and forth through my image library.
3. On the individual order page it would be nice to have a status line to let you know which photos you have already replaced or, better yet, the date/ time of the last update. When I'm replacing photos, I'm often color/ exposure correcting the next image while I wait for the last one to upload. Needless to say, it's easy to "lose my place" and forget whether or not I've updated a particular image.
4. Finally, and most importantly, on the "replace photo" page, it would be helpful to include the filename in addition to the thumbnail so that when I have to choose from a long list of filenames, I can do so quickly.
Keep up the good work. I love the recent set of updates, particularly square thumbnails!
P.S. On the main order page, if a dollar (cent) value ends in zero, it's simply omitted. Therefore, $2.30 would appear as $2.3 - not a big deal, although it does look weird.
"Printing Password"
I can't imagine this hasn't been requested countless times already but I would LOVE you all if you could implement a "printing password." It's hinted at in post #219 but I'd love to be able to share a gallery with the general public without a password but allow people to order prints only if they have a special "printing password." It would save me the time of having to make a "public" and a "private" gallery and it would save you a bunch of server space.
Basically I want a few people to be able to have full access to my originals images and printing at cost while everyone else is restricted to whatever prices, images sizes, etc. I set for the gallery. One way would be to make password protection work in two ways. One being the current way and two swithing to alternate protections.
If that feature can't be added then how about a clone gallery tool. That way I could just clone my gallery on your side without having to wait hours for everything to get uploaded a second time, taking hours to re-enter captions for everything, etc. Then I could just set one gallery to be password protected but with no restrictions and leave the cloned one open but with restrictions.
I'm not allowed to make some sports photos generally accessible or to offer prints or sales aside to a highly limited number of personal friends. In other cases I want the distinction to protect full images, etc. while letting friends, fellow travelers share originals fully with no restriction.
in response to my own msg, I guess there is a clone gallery or sorts, you can hit make 2nd copy and then (i hope) bulk copy all the 2nd copies to the new private gallery. but i can't seem to find a bulk make 2nd copy command so it's still fairly tedious and time wasting.
how about a bulk make 2nd copy of all photos in gallery command?
maybe there even is one already?
edit: i did discover a third party gallery clone tool. it's a little slow compared to what a bulk 2nd copy and move would do do, but at least it works in the meantime.
Watermarks - Percentage or Scale Function
In setting up a watermark, it would be really helpful if there was a way to either scale the watermark or set the watermark size or width/ height to a percentage of the watermarked photo. As it currently is, the watermarks end up being a different size for vertical and horizontal photos. It looks a little awkward being too big on horizontals and too small on verticals. It's also a bit of a hassle because you have to go back to your desktop image editor to add/ remove white space around the watermark to try to get the scale the way you'd like it. Keep up the great work.
I've got what I think is a cool idea, but I don't know if it's an original idea. Let me run it by you... you know how the "lobby" sections of our sites look, right? Usually there is a series of elected thumbs (featured photos) that represent a gallery, right?
How about if those thumbs were actually slideshows of that galleries contents? Might that not look cool?
Pardon the inspiration but I'm all excited about my site again now that we've got super slideshows and square thumbs. You guys DO rock! Thank you.
I think its time smugmug looks at updating this feature. Right now when you use the bulk quick settings ALL of your galleries are spalyed out in front of you to sort through and select, individually, which galleries you'd like to apply the new settings.
At minimum, a user should be able to fliter galleries based on category and subcategory.
At best, a user should also be able to filter by galleries that have the same settings applied to it.
Small suggestion to a small inconvience
As I stated in another post I have not been to my SM in a while and even longer time into the CP....there were 13 messages from as far back as April 2007...yes these were unread.....there are somethings that do not interest me (selling stock photos)....selling photos yes just not stock per se.... that was just an suggestion....Could you guyz please place a delete button on the message home page with a tic box next to the messages so that we don't have to open every mesage to delete it. PLEEEEEZE??
going back to sortin and huntin for my cuztomyzation to my SM..........
As I stated in another post I have not been to my SM in a while and even longer time into the CP....there were 13 messages from as far back as April 2007...yes these were unread.....there are somethings that do not interest me (selling stock photos)....selling photos yes just not stock per se.... that was just an suggestion....Could you guyz please place a delete button on the message home page with a tic box next to the messages so that we don't have to open every mesage to delete it. PLEEEEEZE??
going back to sortin and huntin for my cuztomyzation to my SM..........
I am using the formatting to create bilingual descriptions (nothing complicated, just line breaks), which is working fine in album view, but the formatting is not propagated to the category view.
At the moment the only way to create sub galleries is to use categories, but this decreases usability. The description in category view is a mess .
Is it a big request to display the description the same way as it is in album view?
Got an idea? Give it to us here All of us at SmugMug read this thread - and we crave your input - nothing too small or too big, so don't be shy.
I opened my stats page, but the thought of spending a half hour or more scrolling through graphics simply did not appeal to me. The control panel says I had 2733 photos viewed, and it is very frustrating to have to spend 20 or 30 minutes scrolling up and down a bunch of graphics trying to figure out which gallery got the most hits and impossible to find out which photo got the most hits. I have state counter and it shows me the latest 500, but that requires even more work since all I can see there is gallery numbers, not the names I gave them.
Every other area of smugmug is top-notch, but the stats are practically worthless. Fun to scroll through when you just have a few galleries, but no fun at all when you start having to scroll through a lot of them. As a pro user, I could make good use of stats that can be quickly and easily read.
Somewhere in the code that supports the stats page are the raw numbers that are used to build the graphs. If I had those in a flat file and another flat file translating gallery and photo numbers to names and captions, I could fairly quickly write something to present a spreadsheet view of the kind that the business side of my operation needs.
Please give us a choice on how we want to see stats, and please don't throw away the old stats. The cumulative numbers and seasonal changes are really important to me.
I will still use statcounter, it does give me good insights, particularly when search terms show up. But I'd like to use that to help interpret pure photo viewing stats, not as the raw source for trying to figure out what they are.
I hope this horse survives, I really would like to ride him,
Brandon Smith
Brandon Smith
Sony A7r4 with a selection of Rokinon Cine primes that I'm really enjoying learning how to use.
Allow mapping on private galleries.
Mapping is a very important feature to me but I don't want to have to make my family albums public to get that ability.
I know that the galleries have to be public to use the Map This feature with Google maps due to their terms of service. But what about the ability to map a particular photo?
For instance, in the Info pop-up, include a Map This link that links to and passes the lat/lon in the querystring for that particular photo? AFAIK this doesn't require a Google API registration string and thus doesn't require you to adhere to their terms of service regarding public sites.
Or how about using another mapping service (perhaps make it an option) such as Yahoo or MapQuest which might not have the same restrictions?
Also, with watermarking, it would be nice to be able to set a custom watermark as a default. If I create a gallery using MacUploader I can choose to watermark images, but I can not choose custom watermarks to place on the images. If we were able to set a default watermark through smugmug and just be able to choose "default watermark" through the uploader, that would be great. As is, if I create a gallery through the uploader I still have to go into the gallery customization to change the watermark. .......
Thanks for listening to the requests....
Thanks for listening! I love this new feature in MacUploader....and you went one step further, I can actually choose from any of my custom watermarks:ivar
(now if only I was able to set pricing when I create a gallery )
(now if only I was able to set pricing when I create a gallery )
Create a private/unlisted gallery for every pricing scheme you have. Add one
original/large photo and apply the prices to the gallery level. Then save using
a name like x_family or x_clients. Then when creating new gallery, in the apply
pricing dropdown tap x till the scheme you want to apply shows. This skips
thru the thousands of galleries you might have to just the priced ones.
Larger thumbs for categories, subcategories, galleries
I'd like to have the ability to use larger thumbs to represent my categories, subcategories, and galleries. The current size of 150x150 if there are 5 or fewer galleries, or 100x100 for more than 5 galleries can't do much to attract viewers to the galleries; the thumbs are just too small.
I am aware that if I switched to use square thumbs that they would appear larger. But - I'm one of those people who prefers that the thumbs represent the shape of the photo, so changing to square thumbs is not an option for me.
Changing to always use 150x150 would be an improvement, but I don't believe that goes far enough. I'd really like the ability to specify the size of the thumbs to be used - within reason, of course.
I created my own (html-only) gallery page to use in place of the standard "galleries" screen so I could use larger images. The images on my current gallery page are specified as 225x225. On a wide screen I'd like to go even larger, but I'm well aware of the fact that many viewers are not on large screens, so I've tried to keep the size to something that I think is reasonable even on a small laptop screen.
I'd love to take this idea down to the next level, and yes, I could do just that. But I really don't want to commit to the maintenance of all custom category pages as I continue to add galleries. So I'd love it if we could specify the thumb size to be used throughout.
Random Slideshow
I like the new gallery fullscreen slideshow (even though mine isn't working quite right yet, I'm sure it will). I like the fact that it loops. I'd like to see the random option added next to the slow, medium, and fast buttons. I'd also like to see a "hide" button to hide the thumbnails etc. until you clicked on the screen again. This would center the picture of course.
I'd like to see a random slideshow button on the Galleries page that would do a random slideshow from all the galleries.
I've noticed people doing all sorts of calisthenics to get blogs to work right. Some folks use journal layouts with custom CSS, some embed them in iframes, some link to them in banners and duplicate the banner across sites. None of these are really great experiences to configure, use, or read. I think it would be really powerful to have a decent blog capability within smugmug that works with the same ease as the rest of smugmug.
Other features have been added because smugmug users readily identify smumug as their home on the internet. A well integrated (mashed up?) blog would really solidify this feeling.
Suggestion: Flagging of images by clients
This may have been suggested before, but how about an option to allow visitors to flag images? Or to make it a bit more secure, a password that they enter that allows them to flag images? Once flagged, the thumbs of those images could be bordered in a different color?
The reason I'd want a feature like this, is so clients can flag which images in a proof set they want me to process/retouch/etc., and I can easily see such at a glance.
This may have been suggested before, but how about an option to allow visitors to flag images? Or to make it a bit more secure, a password that they enter that allows them to flag images? Once flagged, the thumbs of those images could be bordered in a different color?
The reason I'd want a feature like this, is so clients can flag which images in a proof set they want me to process/retouch/etc., and I can easily see such at a glance.
This may have been suggested before, but how about an option to allow visitors to flag images? Or to make it a bit more secure, a password that they enter that allows them to flag images? Once flagged, the thumbs of those images could be bordered in a different color?
The reason I'd want a feature like this, is so clients can flag which images in a proof set they want me to process/retouch/etc., and I can easily see such at a glance.
I have customers leave me a comment under the pictures that they like for me to retouch. I have my account settings so that when someone leaves me a comment, I get an email. Also, you can go into control panel, stats, and then to comments and it will list all the comments along with a thumbnail of the image they left the comment for. Click on the thumbnail, it takes you to the image.......this seems to work great for me. Then they are able to leave specific questions/wants with the picture instead of just "flaggin" it.
Uhhh. I don't think this works. It stops you from getting the message prompt when you right click, but the transparent GIF image is still covering your image so right click only saves a 1 pixel GIF image, not the image you really want.
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Always include a link to your site when posting a question
Display ITCP Data on page. If Smug Mug(SM) accepts ITCP files and when someone purchases the image they are there, then why not show it on the screen? We are using SM for scientific purposes so location, species, and other descriptions are very important. I have searched many photohosting sites and SM has all of the features except this. Please help become the perfect site in which I believe you are. Thanks.
Also more keyword availabilty. What I have found is Smug Mug only uses the first 10 keywords for a search. Why not more, especially if people are using for stock?
It's 15 keywords, actually.
We found that there were a some people using lots and lots of keywords, and this was causing a tremendous strain on our servers. A few were impacting the experience for many. So, we settled on 15 keywords.
I wish I had a better answer for you at the moment, I'm sorry. & smugmug
My question is important to my business success. As such, I would greatly appreciate a response.
Thank you
But only in their dreams can men be truly free. 'Twas always thus, and always thus will be. - John Keating & smugmug
Don't hold your breathe. I've just had an answer from Andy and nothing is changing.
We know it's hugely important to you. We read this thread every single day. And the requests we get via help desk, too.
I moved your thread here so that it would never, ever get lost (see post one, where I track all the old ones, too!).
Surely you can understand that? If you feel mistreated by that, I'm terribly, terribly sorry I made you feel that way.
We'd love to do all the requests our customers make, but we just can't. We do have an great track record of implementing customer requested features - it's in fact how our site has improved so much!
Thanks again for making your request, and for letting us know how important it is to you.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Basically I want a few people to be able to have full access to my originals images and printing at cost while everyone else is restricted to whatever prices, images sizes, etc. I set for the gallery. One way would be to make password protection work in two ways. One being the current way and two swithing to alternate protections.
If that feature can't be added then how about a clone gallery tool. That way I could just clone my gallery on your side without having to wait hours for everything to get uploaded a second time, taking hours to re-enter captions for everything, etc. Then I could just set one gallery to be password protected but with no restrictions and leave the cloned one open but with restrictions.
I'm not allowed to make some sports photos generally accessible or to offer prints or sales aside to a highly limited number of personal friends. In other cases I want the distinction to protect full images, etc. while letting friends, fellow travelers share originals fully with no restriction.
I have a few suggestions that would make pro proofing a little bit easier. None of them are absolutely necessary although I suspect they'd be pretty easy to implement and they would shave some time off of processing orders.
1. On the main page, it would be nice to have an additional status marker that lets you know if you've already approved an order. When the orders stack up it's tough to remember which you've processed and then you have to open several links to make sure one doesn't fall through the cracks (particularly when you have 15 orders from one hockey tournament where they all look alike).
2. On the individual order page, it would be better for me to sort the individual prints by filename/ date. People order the photos in a random order but I have to go back to Lightroom and dig them all up. It would be much easier for me if I didn't have to shuffle back and forth through my image library.
3. On the individual order page it would be nice to have a status line to let you know which photos you have already replaced or, better yet, the date/ time of the last update. When I'm replacing photos, I'm often color/ exposure correcting the next image while I wait for the last one to upload. Needless to say, it's easy to "lose my place" and forget whether or not I've updated a particular image.
4. Finally, and most importantly, on the "replace photo" page, it would be helpful to include the filename in addition to the thumbnail so that when I have to choose from a long list of filenames, I can do so quickly.
Keep up the good work. I love the recent set of updates, particularly square thumbnails!
P.S. On the main order page, if a dollar (cent) value ends in zero, it's simply omitted. Therefore, $2.30 would appear as $2.3 - not a big deal, although it does look weird.
Design | Photography
I can't imagine this hasn't been requested countless times already but I would LOVE you all if you could implement a "printing password." It's hinted at in post #219 but I'd love to be able to share a gallery with the general public without a password but allow people to order prints only if they have a special "printing password." It would save me the time of having to make a "public" and a "private" gallery and it would save you a bunch of server space.
Pretty Please,
Design | Photography
in response to my own msg, I guess there is a clone gallery or sorts, you can hit make 2nd copy and then (i hope) bulk copy all the 2nd copies to the new private gallery. but i can't seem to find a bulk make 2nd copy command so it's still fairly tedious and time wasting.
how about a bulk make 2nd copy of all photos in gallery command?
maybe there even is one already?
edit: i did discover a third party gallery clone tool. it's a little slow compared to what a bulk 2nd copy and move would do do, but at least it works in the meantime.
In setting up a watermark, it would be really helpful if there was a way to either scale the watermark or set the watermark size or width/ height to a percentage of the watermarked photo. As it currently is, the watermarks end up being a different size for vertical and horizontal photos. It looks a little awkward being too big on horizontals and too small on verticals. It's also a bit of a hassle because you have to go back to your desktop image editor to add/ remove white space around the watermark to try to get the scale the way you'd like it. Keep up the great work.
Design | Photography
How about if those thumbs were actually slideshows of that galleries contents? Might that not look cool?
Pardon the inspiration but I'm all excited about my site again now that we've got super slideshows and square thumbs. You guys DO rock! Thank you.
Stephen Skoutas Certe, toto, sentio nos in kansate non iam adesse
Please feel free to retouch and repost my images. Critique, Suggestions, and Technique tips always welcomed.
Hey guys,
I think its time smugmug looks at updating this feature. Right now when you use the bulk quick settings ALL of your galleries are spalyed out in front of you to sort through and select, individually, which galleries you'd like to apply the new settings.
At minimum, a user should be able to fliter galleries based on category and subcategory.
At best, a user should also be able to filter by galleries that have the same settings applied to it.
Thoughts? [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
Create A Gorgeous Photography Website with Smugmug in 90 Minutes [My free course if you need help setting up and customizing your SmugMug site]
As I stated in another post I have not been to my SM in a while and even longer time into the CP....there were 13 messages from as far back as April 2007...yes these were unread.....there are somethings that do not interest me (selling stock photos)....selling photos yes just not stock per se.... that was just an suggestion....Could you guyz please place a delete button on the message home page with a tic box next to the messages so that we don't have to open every mesage to delete it. PLEEEEEZE??
going back to sortin and huntin for my cuztomyzation to my SM..........
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I am using the formatting to create bilingual descriptions (nothing complicated, just line breaks), which is working fine in album view, but the formatting is not propagated to the category view.
At the moment the only way to create sub galleries is to use categories, but this decreases usability. The description in category view is a mess
Is it a big request to display the description the same way as it is in album view?
I opened my stats page, but the thought of spending a half hour or more scrolling through graphics simply did not appeal to me. The control panel says I had 2733 photos viewed, and it is very frustrating to have to spend 20 or 30 minutes scrolling up and down a bunch of graphics trying to figure out which gallery got the most hits and impossible to find out which photo got the most hits. I have state counter and it shows me the latest 500, but that requires even more work since all I can see there is gallery numbers, not the names I gave them.
Every other area of smugmug is top-notch, but the stats are practically worthless. Fun to scroll through when you just have a few galleries, but no fun at all when you start having to scroll through a lot of them. As a pro user, I could make good use of stats that can be quickly and easily read.
Somewhere in the code that supports the stats page are the raw numbers that are used to build the graphs. If I had those in a flat file and another flat file translating gallery and photo numbers to names and captions, I could fairly quickly write something to present a spreadsheet view of the kind that the business side of my operation needs.
Please give us a choice on how we want to see stats, and please don't throw away the old stats. The cumulative numbers and seasonal changes are really important to me.
I will still use statcounter, it does give me good insights, particularly when search terms show up. But I'd like to use that to help interpret pure photo viewing stats, not as the raw source for trying to figure out what they are.
I hope this horse survives, I really would like to ride him,
Brandon Smith
Sony A7r4 with a selection of Rokinon Cine primes that I'm really enjoying learning how to use.
Mapping is a very important feature to me but I don't want to have to make my family albums public to get that ability.
I know that the galleries have to be public to use the Map This feature with Google maps due to their terms of service. But what about the ability to map a particular photo?
For instance, in the Info pop-up, include a Map This link that links to and passes the lat/lon in the querystring for that particular photo? AFAIK this doesn't require a Google API registration string and thus doesn't require you to adhere to their terms of service regarding public sites.
Or how about using another mapping service (perhaps make it an option) such as Yahoo or MapQuest which might not have the same restrictions?
Thanks for listening! I love this new feature in MacUploader....and you went one step further, I can actually choose from any of my custom watermarks:ivar
(now if only I was able to set pricing when I create a gallery
My Blog My Facebook Page
GIVING BACK - How will you give?
original/large photo and apply the prices to the gallery level. Then save using
a name like x_family or x_clients. Then when creating new gallery, in the apply
pricing dropdown tap x till the scheme you want to apply shows. This skips
thru the thousands of galleries you might have to just the priced ones.
My Website index | My Blog
I'd like to have the ability to use larger thumbs to represent my categories, subcategories, and galleries. The current size of 150x150 if there are 5 or fewer galleries, or 100x100 for more than 5 galleries can't do much to attract viewers to the galleries; the thumbs are just too small.
I am aware that if I switched to use square thumbs that they would appear larger. But - I'm one of those people who prefers that the thumbs represent the shape of the photo, so changing to square thumbs is not an option for me.
Changing to always use 150x150 would be an improvement, but I don't believe that goes far enough. I'd really like the ability to specify the size of the thumbs to be used - within reason, of course.
I created my own (html-only) gallery page to use in place of the standard "galleries" screen so I could use larger images. The images on my current gallery page are specified as 225x225. On a wide screen I'd like to go even larger, but I'm well aware of the fact that many viewers are not on large screens, so I've tried to keep the size to something that I think is reasonable even on a small laptop screen.
If you'd like to see my Gallery page as an example, it's at
I'd love to take this idea down to the next level, and yes, I could do just that. But I really don't want to commit to the maintenance of all custom category pages as I continue to add galleries. So I'd love it if we could specify the thumb size to be used throughout.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I like the new gallery fullscreen slideshow (even though mine isn't working quite right yet, I'm sure it will). I like the fact that it loops. I'd like to see the random option added next to the slow, medium, and fast buttons. I'd also like to see a "hide" button to hide the thumbnails etc. until you clicked on the screen again. This would center the picture of course.
I'd like to see a random slideshow button on the Galleries page that would do a random slideshow from all the galleries.
I've noticed people doing all sorts of calisthenics to get blogs to work right. Some folks use journal layouts with custom CSS, some embed them in iframes, some link to them in banners and duplicate the banner across sites. None of these are really great experiences to configure, use, or read. I think it would be really powerful to have a decent blog capability within smugmug that works with the same ease as the rest of smugmug.
Other features have been added because smugmug users readily identify smumug as their home on the internet. A well integrated (mashed up?) blog would really solidify this feeling.
Canon 7D / EF 24-105L F4 / Tokina 12-24 F4
This may have been suggested before, but how about an option to allow visitors to flag images? Or to make it a bit more secure, a password that they enter that allows them to flag images? Once flagged, the thumbs of those images could be bordered in a different color?
The reason I'd want a feature like this, is so clients can flag which images in a proof set they want me to process/retouch/etc., and I can easily see such at a glance.
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I have customers leave me a comment under the pictures that they like for me to retouch. I have my account settings so that when someone leaves me a comment, I get an email. Also, you can go into control panel, stats, and then to comments and it will list all the comments along with a thumbnail of the image they left the comment for. Click on the thumbnail, it takes you to the image.......this seems to work great for me. Then they are able to leave specific questions/wants with the picture instead of just "flaggin" it.
just a thought...........
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