Was very active in photography (portrait work, published, gallery exhibits, weddings, event) in the late 80's and through the 90's, then got out of the craft because I really didn't enjoy the "work" it had become. Picked up a DSLR this last spring, and really got recharged to take up something I had really missed.
I have been on SmugMug for a short while, and my page name is the same as here. My favorite photography has always been motorsports, specifically motorcycle racing, and work at a drag race last weekend resulted in my first sales from SmugMug. So thanks!
Glad to be here and looking forward to learning and contributing.
Cameras owned:
Past: Canon AE1-P with 28, 50, 210 zoom/macro
Current: first digital: Sony F717 - it broke but now fixed for free
Canon Rebel XT with std lens and a 300mm
Nikon 3200 PS - wifey sent it to cuz in Vietnam
Canon SD600 PS - wifey not allowed to send to Vietnam yet.
I take pictures of about anything that moves or is stationary
The wife: our dog. We have tons of DVD's storing photos of our Bichon
In all we have over 20,000 photos on many CD's and DVD's and probably only printed 100 of them :oops:
It took me one year at smugmug to buy my first prints and to post here. Guess my yearly not-free try-out period with smugmug is over and I'm here to stay I have also gotten 2 other ppl to sign up to smugmug this year as well. Now just need an avatar and signature
Delurking Myself
OK, I've been lurking for quite a while. I finally decided it was time to make it official. I've learned a lot while lurking. I guess it's time to contribute a bit too, for what ever my 2 cents may be worth. And one of these days, I'll actually submit something for LPS.....(i think i can, i think i can, i think i can......)
I've always loved photography. I love working with images after the fact, creating collages etc.
Like this:
I know I still have a lot to learn. I'm continuing my education and soaking in as much knowledge as I can.
I have started a photography business. I love taking my time with children. So many places rush people in and out. I've been amazed by the reaction of parents when I'm sitting on the floor with their kids. When I have a mom sit and hold a crying child, that when the child is comfortable, we'll get the shot. The reaction is usually something along the lines of "really?? the other places just hurry to get to the next appointment." I never want to be like that.
I live in a small town. There are a lot of photographers that work out of their home, but there has never been a studio here. It is quite a drive to the nearest place. There's been a small location open up....I might just grab it and see what happens.
I know I'm still learning as I go, but I'm a pretty quick learner.
i've been with smugmug for nearly a year, but haven't got around to posting 'til now. i spend much of my time photographing animals, especially my three retired racing greyhounds, nikki, sadie, and katie:
and marine mammals:
but i think what really attracts me is how light renders the subject i'm trying to photograph, whatever that subject might be.
thanks for taking up a bit of your time, and now back to lurking and being inspired and amazed by others' work...
I have decided to jump in with both feet. I have been watching for a while, but havent been brave enough to reveal myself. I love shooting sports, especially gymnastics(my daughter is a level 9 gymnast) But I will shoot anything really. Sports, nature, landscapes...you name it. Im still learning all the ins and outs of smugmug and look forward to soaking up all the help feedback education etc I can get from all the wonderful photogs here. So here I am....My name is tammy, and I am a lurker...I am now reveling myself to the community.
especially gymnastics(my daughter is a level 9 gymnast) But I will shoot anything really.
Welcome to the forum!!!
Gymanstics is one of the things that got me deeper into my love of photography. My son competed for three years. One of my favorite gym shots was of one of his team-mates. I only had my Canon Rebel (my first SLR) a few months and found the challenge of the indoor sports intrigueing.
Here's my favorite shot.....I loved this gymnast for his facial expressions....
(Forgive the noise.....I was quite the newbie with limited equipment, but I love the moment I caught)
I just stumbled over this forum and i must say it i fell in love. Anyways ive bin taking photos for 1,5 years now, and i just love it!.
My photos turns out very different depending on my mood and music...What music do you guys think?..Well im grown up with electronic..Like GOA/psytrance and even harder stuff..So im a technohead. But hold on!...3 years ago i found the jazz since my friend plays it alot i automaticly started listen to it.
My photos is like my taste of music...very different from day to day!. I find most my photos turning out abstract. and maby a bit lifeless ( working on that) I like the simplicity in buildings and structures.
ohh alot of BS talk there for a while..Lets get down to it again!.
My gear as it is today:
Pentax K10D
pentax 18-55 ( crap kit lens)
Pentax 50:1.4
Tamron 28-75 2,8 XR DI ( on the way home from tokyo )
and a tripod
Bottom line! I love it here so far! and i think i will be active for a loong time.
I just post a pic insted!..maby i should have done it after the first sentence .
I've been lurking for about like, a week. I'm 14 years of age and currently function as Photo Editor of the San Mateo Hi, at San Mateo High School, about 20 miles south of San Francisco. I usually shoot sports, performance arts, and just student life in school.
Hello dgrinners! I am 27 y/o beer junkie from Brooklyn, NY. First started shooting a while back with my moms old Miranda SLR, got aggrivated with having to spend so much money on film development (I was in middle school can you blame me?) Now I am back in the D-SLR scene shooting around in NYC with my XTi. I have had the camera about 3 months and have already have two lenses with a third on the way. I have the Canon 18-55mm EF-S Lens (Stock), an EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Image Stabilizer USM Autofocus Lens, and coming soon is the EF 50mm f/1.8 II Autofocus Lens. Here is a shot from the recent street fair near my house.
Hi all,
Looks like a cool scene here... Haven't really been lurking just the first time been over dgrin way.
Me, well I've been in IT for a really really long time, digital photography but a few short years. I'm an enthusiast so don't have no real genre or style. If I had to choose I might lean toward event shooting, but have more fun shooting the spectators then the event. Just getting the hang of post-p.
Currently toting Canon 20D, Canon 100-400mm, Canon 50mm MKII 1.8, Tamron SP (11-18mm, 17-35mm and 28-75mm) got a cheapy (vivatar) 100mm macro that don't see a lot of use these days...and a Speedlite 420ex. My wife has my 70-200mm 4L so it is lost but not forgotten.
I've been lurking for about like, a week. I'm 14 years of age and currently function as Photo Editor of the San Mateo Hi, at San Mateo High School, about 20 miles south of San Francisco. I usually shoot sports, performance arts, and just student life in school.
Carlmont RULEZ!
Ok. So I'm not 14 any more Welcome aboard!
Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
I joined a couple of hours ago and lo and behold, the weekly assignment was for jewelry which I just shot for a class I'm taking. I posted those pics there.
While it is now too late to de-lurk here first, thought I'd post a pic anyway:
Just De-Lurking.....
Hi all, I have had a Smugmug account for a bit now and use it host images for clients. I found this site yesterday, and love it! Hope to see some of you out shooting one of these days! If you live in or around Spokane, WA let me know! I shot a whole lot of sports, both team and individual, and a bunch of fashon oriented stuff. Always try to have fun.
Gary Peterson
Gary Peterson
Award Winning Photographer
Winner Brides Choice Award 2017
Winner Best of Spokane 2016
Winner Brides Choice Award 2016
Winner Brides Choice Award 2015
Winner Best of Spokane 2015
Winner Wedding Wire Couples Choice Award 2014
Winner Best Photographer 2013 Spokane A-List
Winner Brides Choice Award 2013
Winner Best of Spokane Northwest Inlander 2012
Winner Best Photographer Best of KREM 2011
Winner Best Photographer Best of KREM 2010
Winner Brides Choice Award 2011
Winner Brides Choice Award 2010
A little about me: I have been into taking pictures off and on for the last 35 years using medium format and 35mm film. Up until early 2005 I shot mainly landscape, some car related, and very little people photography. Then that year I started working for an employer where I was given a lot of photo opportunities. I then hesitantly went digital with a Canon 20D. I now shoot mainly people and cars. A little over a year ago I started upgrading my lenses, and started learning Photoshop. Last summer I started scanning my old film and got a SmugMug gallery. I would like to get back into landscape photography next spring.
I enjoy the helpful and friendly atmosphere in Digital Grin. I hope to continue to learn here, and to maybe even post from time to time when I feel I can contribute.
Here are some examples of what I like to take pictures of:
Finally de-lurked
Ok, so I set up an account over a year ago, but really I am finally de-lurking now. As for who I am. Mike K. from Rochester Ny. I own a trophy business and I take photos too Since the trophies biz is still more a hobby then bread maker I also have a job at an aerial photography company where I do accuracy and quality checks.
hello dgrinners!
Wow.. I've been a smugmug member for years now and never thought to look beyond and see what else was connected to it.
I've been interested in photography since I was in high school (I'm 27 now), took a class on B&W and love digitial (less messy:D). I want to get a digital SLR, but that doesn't look like it'll be in the near future. The things I love to photograph the most are dogs and the beach... or even better dogs at the beach.
Hey there.
My name is Robyn.
I live in NJ and SC.
I am a Massage Therapist and a Surigcal Technician.
I was just (technically) "gifted" a Canon 40D.
I dabbled in photography a few DECADES ago in highschool. My daughter caught the bug and actually had some photos in a show.
I have not seriously taken photographs in a long long time. I am realizing just how much I have forgotten. I have owned a few point and shoot dcams over the last few years. The 40D is a BIG leap forward for me. I am excited and hoping I won't stink too badly.
I am loving the atmosphere of this site. I have a trial over at SM and will probably open a regular account. The critiques and assignments have been my favorites. I'll be posting there soon!
I will try to keep silly questions to a minimum and promise to do a search first.
So anyway, hi. :cavig
Hi Andy and everyone,
It took a couple or three years for me to move from pBase and I set up a trial account on Smugmug this morning. Difficult for old people like me to learn new tricks.
Just saying hi.
-Anna www.ayimages.com
Hi everyone, I'm 25 and I've been interested in photography for a while but I'm a total novice. I recently got a Pentax k100d super and I can't wait to start posting pics. I'm currently living in Tucson. Jadeheart, that is the cutest little dog!
Hello everyone
I am new to this and figure I should just jump in...I have been lurking for several months now.
I have one question. I love the assignments and figured I would start there, however I could not attach my "open flame" I have no "Browse"...is this normal?
So I thought I'd better post in this thread and shed my cloak of invisibility. I liked Robyn's approach above, so will try something similar...
My name is Neil
I live in Ottawa, Canada.
I'm originally from Australia, with about 8 years in California on my way to the frozen north.
I'm a Sleep Tech/Clinical Test Engineer for a high tech medical device manufacturer.
I currently use a Nikon D100, but am about to upgrade to a D300 (when I can figure which body part to sell to raise the required funds)
I mainly shoot wildlife, particularly the birdies, but my other big passion is to shoot sports.
Unfortunately, I haven't had (or haven't made) much opportunity to shoot sports for the past year or so, but I intend changing that. Trouble is it's hard to find outdoor sports to shoot here in Ottawa in winter! Not to worry, I can always find something interesting to take piccies of.
Anyway, it's great to be here and feel free to take a look around my two websites and offer comments or criticisms. I always need to learn more and in some cases, need to learn WAYYYY more.
Wow, Lisa could have written my introduction.
Was very active in photography (portrait work, published, gallery exhibits, weddings, event) in the late 80's and through the 90's, then got out of the craft because I really didn't enjoy the "work" it had become. Picked up a DSLR this last spring, and really got recharged to take up something I had really missed.
I have been on SmugMug for a short while, and my page name is the same as here. My favorite photography has always been motorsports, specifically motorcycle racing, and work at a drag race last weekend resulted in my first sales from SmugMug.
Glad to be here and looking forward to learning and contributing.
Member SportsShooter.com
My Galleries
I've been lurking for about a year now. I like to shoot motocross and sports in general.
Since it has taken me over ten minutes to think of what to say,I geuss that's why I've been lurking
its nice to see new people delurking and go about posting and commenting on other peoples photos. I've youre involved you will learn so much!
I'm looking forward to your first posts
Why haven't I post yet... dunno. On other forums I belong to, I'm one of the high ranking posters. But here, I'm just a lurker.
Anyhow, gallery at smugmug Clicky
Cameras owned:
Past: Canon AE1-P with 28, 50, 210 zoom/macro
Current: first digital: Sony F717 - it broke but now fixed for free
Canon Rebel XT with std lens and a 300mm
Nikon 3200 PS - wifey sent it to cuz in Vietnam
Canon SD600 PS - wifey not allowed to send to Vietnam yet.
I take pictures of about anything that moves or is stationary
The wife: our dog. We have tons of DVD's storing photos of our Bichon
In all we have over 20,000 photos on many CD's and DVD's and probably only printed 100 of them :oops:
It took me one year at smugmug to buy my first prints and to post here. Guess my yearly not-free try-out period with smugmug is over and I'm here to stay
:runs and hides:
Do I win anything?
Photos | Blog | Youtube
OK, I've been lurking for quite a while. I finally decided it was time to make it official. I've learned a lot while lurking. I guess it's time to contribute a bit too, for what ever my 2 cents may be worth. And one of these days, I'll actually submit something for LPS.....(i think i can, i think i can, i think i can......)
I've always loved photography. I love working with images after the fact, creating collages etc.
Like this:
I know I still have a lot to learn. I'm continuing my education and soaking in as much knowledge as I can.
I have started a photography business. I love taking my time with children. So many places rush people in and out. I've been amazed by the reaction of parents when I'm sitting on the floor with their kids. When I have a mom sit and hold a crying child, that when the child is comfortable, we'll get the shot. The reaction is usually something along the lines of "really?? the other places just hurry to get to the next appointment." I never want to be like that.
I live in a small town. There are a lot of photographers that work out of their home, but there has never been a studio here. It is quite a drive to the nearest place. There's been a small location open up....I might just grab it and see what happens.
I know I'm still learning as I go, but I'm a pretty quick learner.
My 2 favorite shots so far:
For a glimpse into the moments I like to catch:
http://heatherdunnphotography.com/mystyle.html it's nothing fancy, but a great way to get to know me and my style a bit.
OK...I think I'm about to out do my welcome......
See ya around the forum!
My Blog My Facebook Page
GIVING BACK - How will you give?
...but only for the moment.
i've been with smugmug for nearly a year, but haven't got around to posting 'til now. i spend much of my time photographing animals, especially my three retired racing greyhounds, nikki, sadie, and katie:
and marine mammals:
but i think what really attracts me is how light renders the subject i'm trying to photograph, whatever that subject might be.
thanks for taking up a bit of your time, and now back to lurking and being inspired and amazed by others' work...
crackerdog photography | shutterhounds blog | facebook
Once you step out into the light, there's no going back! Go on, make a post!
Well, welcome, anyway.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Welcome to the forum!!!
Gymanstics is one of the things that got me deeper into my love of photography. My son competed for three years. One of my favorite gym shots was of one of his team-mates. I only had my Canon Rebel (my first SLR) a few months and found the challenge of the indoor sports intrigueing.
Here's my favorite shot.....I loved this gymnast for his facial expressions....
(Forgive the noise.....I was quite the newbie with limited equipment, but I love the moment I caught)
My Blog My Facebook Page
GIVING BACK - How will you give?
I'm new on the forum, de-lurking after looking around for a week or so. Anyway, why write a thousand words when I can just post a picture.
Here's one of a Czech blues pump called Ondrej Konrad & Gumbo, shot on the Jazzboat in Prague.
I just stumbled over this forum and i must say it i fell in love. Anyways ive bin taking photos for 1,5 years now, and i just love it!.
My photos turns out very different depending on my mood and music...What music do you guys think?..Well im grown up with electronic..Like GOA/psytrance and even harder stuff..So im a technohead. But hold on!...3 years ago i found the jazz
My photos is like my taste of music...very different from day to day!. I find most my photos turning out abstract. and maby a bit lifeless ( working on that) I like the simplicity in buildings and structures.
ohh alot of BS talk there for a while..Lets get down to it again!.
My gear as it is today:
Pentax K10D
pentax 18-55 ( crap kit lens)
Pentax 50:1.4
Tamron 28-75 2,8 XR DI ( on the way home from tokyo )
and a tripod
Bottom line! I love it here so far! and i think i will be active for a loong time.
I just post a pic insted!..maby i should have done it after the first sentence
Hello World!
I've been lurking for about like, a week. I'm 14 years of age and currently function as Photo Editor of the San Mateo Hi, at San Mateo High School, about 20 miles south of San Francisco. I usually shoot sports, performance arts, and just student life in school.
Consider me de-lurked
Hi all,
Looks like a cool scene here... Haven't really been lurking just the first time been over dgrin way.
Me, well I've been in IT for a really really long time, digital photography but a few short years. I'm an enthusiast so don't have no real genre or style. If I had to choose I might lean toward event shooting, but have more fun shooting the spectators then the event. Just getting the hang of post-p.
Currently toting Canon 20D, Canon 100-400mm, Canon 50mm MKII 1.8, Tamron SP (11-18mm, 17-35mm and 28-75mm) got a cheapy (vivatar) 100mm macro that don't see a lot of use these days...and a Speedlite 420ex. My wife has my 70-200mm 4L so it is lost but not forgotten.
Ok. So I'm not 14 any more
While it is now too late to de-lurk here first, thought I'd post a pic anyway:
Hi all, I have had a Smugmug account for a bit now and use it host images for clients. I found this site yesterday, and love it! Hope to see some of you out shooting one of these days! If you live in or around Spokane, WA let me know! I shot a whole lot of sports, both team and individual, and a bunch of fashon oriented stuff. Always try to have fun.
Gary Peterson
Award Winning Photographer
Winner Brides Choice Award 2017
Winner Best of Spokane 2016
Winner Brides Choice Award 2016
Winner Brides Choice Award 2015
Winner Best of Spokane 2015
Winner Wedding Wire Couples Choice Award 2014
Winner Best Photographer 2013 Spokane A-List
Winner Brides Choice Award 2013
Winner Best of Spokane Northwest Inlander 2012
Winner Best Photographer Best of KREM 2011
Winner Best Photographer Best of KREM 2010
Winner Brides Choice Award 2011
Winner Brides Choice Award 2010
(509) 230-9785
A little about me: I have been into taking pictures off and on for the last 35 years using medium format and 35mm film. Up until early 2005 I shot mainly landscape, some car related, and very little people photography. Then that year I started working for an employer where I was given a lot of photo opportunities. I then hesitantly went digital with a Canon 20D. I now shoot mainly people and cars. A little over a year ago I started upgrading my lenses, and started learning Photoshop. Last summer I started scanning my old film and got a SmugMug gallery. I would like to get back into landscape photography next spring.
I enjoy the helpful and friendly atmosphere in Digital Grin. I hope to continue to learn here, and to maybe even post from time to time when I feel I can contribute.
Here are some examples of what I like to take pictures of:
Ok, so I set up an account over a year ago, but really I am finally de-lurking now. As for who I am. Mike K. from Rochester Ny. I own a trophy business and I take photos too
Wow.. I've been a smugmug member for years now and never thought to look beyond and see what else was connected to it.
I've been interested in photography since I was in high school (I'm 27 now), took a class on B&W and love digitial (less messy:D). I want to get a digital SLR, but that doesn't look like it'll be in the near future. The things I love to photograph the most are dogs and the beach... or even better dogs at the beach.
My name is Robyn.
I live in NJ and SC.
I am a Massage Therapist and a Surigcal Technician.
I was just (technically) "gifted" a Canon 40D.
I dabbled in photography a few DECADES ago in highschool. My daughter caught the bug and actually had some photos in a show.
I have not seriously taken photographs in a long long time. I am realizing just how much I have forgotten. I have owned a few point and shoot dcams over the last few years. The 40D is a BIG leap forward for me. I am excited and hoping I won't stink too badly.
I am loving the atmosphere of this site. I have a trial over at SM and will probably open a regular account. The critiques and assignments have been my favorites. I'll be posting there soon!
I will try to keep silly questions to a minimum and promise to do a search first.
So anyway, hi. :cavig
It took a couple or three years for me to move from pBase and I set up a trial account on Smugmug this morning. Difficult for old people like me to learn new tricks.
Just saying hi.
jadeheart, is your doggy on Dog Beach?
I am new to this and figure I should just jump in...I have been lurking for several months now.
I have one question. I love the assignments and figured I would start there, however I could not attach my "open flame" I have no "Browse"...is this normal?
Hi everybodies,
So I thought I'd better post in this thread and shed my cloak of invisibility. I liked Robyn's approach above, so will try something similar...
My name is Neil
I live in Ottawa, Canada.
I'm originally from Australia, with about 8 years in California on my way to the frozen north.
I'm a Sleep Tech/Clinical Test Engineer for a high tech medical device manufacturer.
I currently use a Nikon D100, but am about to upgrade to a D300 (when I can figure which body part to sell to raise the required funds)
I mainly shoot wildlife, particularly the birdies, but my other big passion is to shoot sports.
Unfortunately, I haven't had (or haven't made) much opportunity to shoot sports for the past year or so, but I intend changing that. Trouble is it's hard to find outdoor sports to shoot here in Ottawa in winter! Not to worry, I can always find something interesting to take piccies of.
Anyway, it's great to be here and feel free to take a look around my two websites and offer comments or criticisms. I always need to learn more and in some cases, need to learn WAYYYY more.