Dgrin Mini-Challenges: Looking Back

sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator
edited December 7, 2016 in The Dgrin Challenges
Looking Back at the Minis

Interested in seeing the themes for past mini-challenges? Here is a list, starting with the most recent mini and working back. (I will try to update this list about once a month.)

To view entries for each theme as well as the results (winners/finalists), please click on the Entries and Results for each year or scroll through the "responses" to this message. (It wasn't feasible to provide the links in the overall list of themes.)

It is an impressive array of themes and great collection of photos. Congratulations to all who have participated in the minis!

(Entries and Results)
238 "Holiday Spirit"
237 "The Passage of Time"
236 "Public Transport"
235 "Coffee"
234 "Macro"
233 "Look to the Skies"
232 "Ships and Boats"
231 "Oceans, Lakes, Rivers and Streams”
230 "Parks and Recreation”
229 "Public Art”
228 "A rose is a rose”
227 "The small things”
226 "Machinery”
225 "History – From Then to Now”
224 "Technology Today”
223 "Fountains”
222 "Colors at Night”
221 "Bridges”
220 "Into the woods”
219 "Façade Stories”

(Entries and Results)
218 "Glass”
217 "Backlight”
216 "Workers in Action”
215 "Distressing Places and Spaces”
214 "Water Reflections”
213 "Your Favorite”
212 "Flying Machines”
211 "Abandoned”
210 "Science”
209 "Barns”
208 "On the Road”
207 "Shadows”
206 "Enclosed Spaces”
205 "Lonely Tree”
204 "Sports & Games”
203 "Lighthouses”
202 "People using cameras”
201 "Animal Pairs”
200 "Architecture”
199 "Glass”
198 "Ornamental”

(Entries and Results)
197 "Parts and Pieces”
196 "Guess What This Is?”
195 "Autumn Reflections”
194 "Street Signs”
193 "Alternative Views”
192 "Repeat, Repeat”
191 "Music and Sound”
190 "Dramatic Summer Weather”
189 "Summertime, and the Livin’ Is Easy”
188 "Connections”
187 "Sports Fact”
186 "It’s all about Plants”
185 "The Beatles”
184 "Fill the Frame”
183 "Critters with a Little Attitude”
182 "Reflections”
181 "People in Nature: Monochrome”
180 "Transportation… A to Z”

(Entries and Results)
179 "The Greatest Gift”
178 "Pets”
177 "Human Emotions”

[Previous lists of Dgrin Mini-challenges]
176 "Tis the Season" won by kdotaylor
175 "Nightscapes" won by Earache
174 "Tourist Postcards" won by kentwaller
173 "Humor" won by Alans Grin
172 "Still Life" won by jwear
171 "People are Interesting" won by Earache
170 "Self-Portrait with Fauna" won by Alans Grin
169 "Wildlife" won by puzzlepaul
168 "Birds" won by davev
167 "Faces - Real and Imagined" won by Chandlerja
166 "Steel Rail Still Ain't Heard the News" won by Earache
165 "Textures, Patterns, Abstracts" won by Billseye
164 "Juxtaposition" won by ThirdDayImaging
163 "Sense of Place" won by Sapphire73
162 "Time Travel" won by fjcvisual
161 "Time Travel" won by kentwaller
160 "Chairs" won by richtersl
159 "Windows and Doors" won by travelways
158 "Selfies" won by Billseye
157 "Light Painting" won by PedalGirl
156 "Point of View" won by JohnRog

(Entries and Results)
155 "Six Legs" won by TravelnLass
154 "Things with Wings" won by puzzledpaul
153 "Black and White in Full Color " won by jwear
152 "Illustrated Motion " won by ALXCAR
151 "Environmental Portrait " won by Alan's Grin
150 "Backlight" won by Syncopation
149 "Humor" won by SciurusNiger
148 "Cars" won by Sam
147 "Silhouettes" won by Davev
146 "Animals" won by Syncopation
145 "Sports" won by jmp2204
144 "Sounds of Summer" won by jmphotocraft
143 "Critters" won by Snowgirl
142 "Power" won by davev
141 "Trick Photography" won by Alans Grin
140 "After Dark" won by chrisdg
139 "Sunrise/Sunset" won by ghinson
138 "Implied Connection" won by KevXman
137 "At Work" won by bfjr
136 "The Best Camera" won by Tony Cooper
135 "People Who Need People" won by lizzard_nyc
134 "Architectural Elements" won by rainbow
133 "Table Top Photography" won by tinamarie

(Entries and Results)
132 "Inside Out and Outside In" won by Tony Cooper
131 "Story Time" won by bdcolen
130 "Fire" won by Rainbow
129 "What's the Point?" won by Photo-funtasia
128 "Music" won by Billseye
127 "Minimal" won by DaddyO
126"Pan baby Pan" won by SimpsonBrothers
125"Road trip" won by gecko0
124"Rocks" won by PedalGirl
123"Rods, Reels & Relaxation" won by DsrtVW
122"Heroes" won by VisualXpressions baton'ed to rbustrean
121"Make Me Smile...Animal Edition" won by rbustrean, baton'ed to KevXman
120"May Flowers" won by Billseye
119 "Stormy Weather" won by ghinson
118 "One for the Road" won by clickin girl
117 "Flight in Sport" won by KevXman
116 "The Lone Sentinel" won by Froch
115 "Machines" won by KevXman
114 "Parade" won by ChrisJ
113 "Close ups or Macros" won by Cuong

(Entries and Results)
112 "Top 500 songs" won by JAG
111 "Winter Scenes" won by davev
110 "War" won by bf2015
109 "A Place in the World" won by doingcool
108 "Food or Drink" won by photo-bug
107 "Autumnal Colors" won by dlscott56
106 "Animal Attitude" won by StueveShots
105 "Post Processing" won by JAG
104 "Pink Floyd song titles" won by ghinson
103 "Two is a party, three is a crowd" won by Davev
102 "Medieval" won by Korandoke
101 "Black and White" won by Ray F
100 "Photog" won by Davev
99 "Weathered" won by AaronNelson
98 "Right Place, Right Time" won by DsrtVW
97 "SP" won by Wil Davis
96 "Eyes" won by lizzard nyc
95 "Panorama" won by Cj99si
94 "Patterns" won by bf2015
93 "HDR" won by JAG
92 "Down Low" won by ghinson
91 "Three Quarters" won by Kinkajou
90 "From The Park" won by JerryBarton
89 "Water" won by Davev
88 "Triptych" won by Redlesh

(Entries and Results)
87 "Celebrate" won by adbsgicom
86 "Preparations" won by Patti
85 "It Takes Two" won by Lizzard_nyc & adbsgicom
84 "Architecture" won by NeilL
83 "Nighttime" won by sdways01
82 "Summertime" won by dseidman
81 "Cityscape" won by Don Albonico baton-ed ghinson
80 "Trees" won by thapamd
79 "A Message Within" won by nightpixels
78 "Loss" won by Karrie McD
77 "Reflections and Refractions" won by Kevin Cox
76 "Unexpected" won by MissB
75 "A Childs Joy" won by AirThom baton-ed to AaronNelson
74 "Dogs" won by Fad2blk
73 "Curves" won by JeffMeyers
72 "Urban Wildlife" won by Coscorrosa
71 "ACTION" won by Derosaphotography baton-ed to Jrnylst
70 "Long Exposure" won by cj99si
69 "Lyrics" won by Grimace
68 "Home" won by Coscorrosa
67 "Humor" won by Benjer
66 "All About Music" won by Richard

(Entries and Results)
67 "Humor" won by Benjer
66 "All About Music" won by Richard

[Note: Dgrin changed the numbering system (skipping #16-65) so that the DSS challenges and mini challenges would have different numbers.]
15 "Light and Shadow" won by micalngelo
14 "Portraits with Soul" won by Flyinggina
13 "A View From Above" won by VisualXpressions
12 "Rusty Old Things" won by JeffMeyers
11 "What Time Is It?" won by DaddyO
10 "Texture" won by AaronNelson
9 "Abstract/Minimalism" won by dlibrach
8 "The Every Day Mundane" won by paulthomasmckee
7 "Self Portrait" won by shatch
6 "Black and White" won by Rhommel
5 "Playing With Light" won by davev
4 "All That Remains" won by JAG
3 "Treasures" won by Justiceiro
2 "Birds" won by davev
1 "BIF's" won by Jwear


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